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Advice re big paddling pool


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I have a large paddling pool, its 4.5 metres in diameter and 1 metre high.  We put it up and filled it about 6 weeks ago and so far so good.  I have a bit of a temporary system set up to run the electrics for the pump, so can only run the pump on dry days.  This hasn't proved to be a problem as its been so dry so far.

However, I went away for a week a couple of weeks ago, and wasn't able to leave the pump running on a timer, this being due to the temporary electric system, so I put in extra chlorine tablets and kept my fingers crossed it would be ok.

When I returned the PH was a little high and obviously there was no reading for the chlorine.  So I added loads of chlorine tablets via a floating device and left the pump running as long as I was awake.  Within a couple of days all seemed to be well and my kids have been back in and using the pool.

I noticed this Friday that the water seemed a little cloudy, this seemed to be due to dust on the bottom.  We have a very basic hose/hoover system which came with the pool and doesn't really work, but I had a go at using it anyway.  It didn't seem to make much differnce so I used a broom to sweep the bottom and really stir things up.  Also I should mention here that I have not been able to ge the correct sized filter for my pump, so have been washing out the existing one and replacing it every week.

We went away yesterday for the night, so the pump didn't get put on and when I went to top up the chlorine tablets toay, had a shock of my life.  The water had turned green.  On the bottom and on the sides near the bottom is a fine green dust, algae I presume. 

I added loads more chlorine tablets and have left the pump running until if got dark.  What I want to know is there anything else I should be doing or is it likely to get better with the pump running and lots of chlorine added.  For ref I use Azur chlorine rapide 1 inch tablets in a floater.

Please can someone advise me as I really rely on this pool for my kids.  Obviously I don't want them swimming in something which is potentially harmful. The ph reading was 8.2 (bright pink) and the top of the scale, when I read it earlier today.

All replies greatly received.

A desperate Dotty

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Keep your fingers crossed that Pool Guy comes on soon.

My amateur advice is that chlorine doesn't cure every problem in a pool. You should be using three action tablets which cover chlorine, algae and floculante ( I don't think the last one is the correct word, it may be the Spanish word but basically it stops the water from going milky). If you are in a high calcium area (does your kettle fur up frequently?) then you need four action tablets to counteract the calcium.

These tablets come in 2.4 kgs. tubs and the tablets themselves weigh 200gms each. You can either put them in your floater or,if you have them, unscrew the blue plastic filter guards on the interior of the pool where the water goes to and from your pump and break the tablet into quarters and put the pieces in the filters and screw them back on. Read the instructions carefully on the tub and calculate the dosage you need. You will need to know the cubic meterage of the water in your pool.

As far as the paper filter is concerned I think you are supposed to change them every two weeks which might sound a bit often but if you have children in and out of the pool all day long then maybe it's neccesary. Washing will help but the problem is body grease which builds up in the folds of the filter. Filter for as long as you can each day and remember sunshine takes away the chlorine in the pool. You should be able to buy replacement filters in large supermarkets. Measure the dimensions of your filter and buy the correct size replacement

You need to buy some pH minus tablets and dose according to the instructions until you get a reading betweem 7.2 and 7.6.

NEVER brush the floor or walls of your pool. I have a very simple hoover which connects to a hose pipe and has a small muslin bag for collecting the deris. It seems to work adequately.

Hope that helps until you get real advice from someone who knows these things.


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What are pH minus tablets in French?  Do you know a make etc?  Our water from the tap is off the scale, so the water in our pool has never been within the limits!  At least I've been told that alkali water is good for you, or is that a myth as well? 
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Save yourself a few quid and avoid all the hugely overpriced taylor made pool products in the bricos. Basically, the hot weather and your water conditions have caused your ph to get too high hence the algae growth. Get yourself some hydrochloric or sulphuric acid from any of your bricos (usually stored near the cleaning products) at about 1 euro a litre, dilute about 20:1 and bung it in the pool near to the exit from the pump while its on so it circulates (you shouldn't need more than a couple of litres). Keep your chlorine levels good and your water will be clear in a couple of days. However, you really DO need to kep on top of the filters as someone else said otherwise you are just breaking down dirt and recirculating it into the pool.
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Yes it will, you shouldn't need to do this very often so long as you keep the chlorine level even thereafter but make sure you dilute the acid first before you put it in the pool. At first it might make the water cloudy but the chlorine will soon clear that up and you will be back to clear water.
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Thanks for the advice.  When I got home yesterday, my Dad had bought me some chlore choc.  I thought I'd give it a go and stuck loads in.  I had the pump running for about 2 hours and this morning all the green stuff has disappeared.

Its raining at the moment so I'm unable to run the pump, the water looks a little cloudy, but its back to blue.  I searched all of my local big supermarkets yesterday for a new filter, but none of them had stock.  I think I'm going to have to keep washing out the current one and hope it withstands the use.


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Your pool has gone green, that is the final stage of the water turning



I would not let anyone in it until its balanced again.

For its not just the algae that you should be concerned about, its all of the

other stuff that you can't see and was growing merrily before the algae got a

hold that would concern me- bacteria, parasites etc.

You should have a test kit with the pool - if you have a kit using reagents

then throw it away as it is of no use. Go to L'Elceric and buy a test kit for

4.60 euro using DPD1 and phenol red tablets, as they are the only accurate

measure. You will need to maintain a pool better then 1.5 ppm chlorine but no

more than 3ppm and with pH at 7.2 but no more than 7.4. These levels will

ensure that the pool water is sterile.

If you use acid to bring the pH down as has already been suggested then please

use Sulphuric Acid which is commonly sold for batteries as it is far cleaner

and does not produce vapours or odours like hydrochloric acid. As such it is

safer to use, but having said that always wear gloves when dispensing it as

even the tiniest droplet will start to sting after a few seconds. If it does

then just plunge the affected body part into the pool and shake about and this

will dilute the acid in an instant. The benefit of going this route is not just

that it is cheaper than Sodium Bisulphate (pH moins), it is also cleaner and

more responsive in the pool and does not add significantly to the Total Dissolved

Solids which is another problem which can cause a green pool. So you should

dilute the acid in a bucket half full of water and pour into the centre of the

pool, or at least away from the liner and leave for about 30 mins to circulate

before testing again. Add 1/4 of a litre at a time so that you do not over

compensate. You must run your pump to circulate and filter at least 6 hours per

day depending on its capacity.

If you do not get any responses from these treatments in your pool then PM me

and I'll try to diagnose the problem and help you out.


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Chlor Choc and Chlor rapid are the same thing - Acid Dichlorcyanurate

(chlorine and cyanuric acid), its what you need to clear up the green

in your pool and you should raise the levels to about 10 ppm or a rosey

red colour in your tester.

The chlorine use used for longer term is Chlor Lent-Acid

Trichlorocyanurate (chlorine and cyanuric acid) these are the lads

which should be in your floater as they are slower to release and

therefore last longer in the water.

Most paper filters are desigend to be cleaned about once per week and

should last a season or more so long as you don't use the power washer

on them, just normal hose pressure. Just be sure that you get a nice

jet into the vanes and get all the muck whcih is deep inside.

Let me know if you need more help


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Thanks for the info.  As I said before the chlore choc seems to have done the trick for the moment, have wahed out the filter, again, but due to the rain we've had I've not been able to run the pump today.  Think this may be part of the problem.

Also you mentioned in your previous email about the testing kit.  I bought a kit which contains a measuring device chlorine one side ph the other and a bottle of red stuff and one of yellow/clear, I know very technical, anyway, is this not good enough?  My readings prior to my green problem have always been about right.  Haven't checked since the chlore choc has been in though.


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Sorry Dotty

I wasn't clear.... the bottles in the testing kit... that's not the one

I recommended... its testing the wrong thing- total chlorine, we cannot

do anything with that information - its meaningless.

You need the testing kit  with the pills.. DPD1 and phenol

red,  and that will test for Free Chlorine, its different and with

that information I can help you with advice to keep it from happending


PM me is you need more help.


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