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I think I've finally got the hang of free chlorine, combined chlorine and pH but can anybody advise how I measure the Acide Isocyanurique (Residuals) that the DDASS test for.......at my recent inspection the level of these was 67 mg/l and the limit is 75.......does that mean I will have to change the water (or some of it?). I drained about a third off this winter - is that enough to keep the residual levels below the threshold?


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Have a look at the www.palintest.com web site they have a number of test kits that will do what you want, and you can order on-line and have it shipped direct to France. Whilst you are there, have a look at their coolpool pooltester, it does all 3 tests in one and takes the guesswork out of interpreting various shades of pink (I'm sure you know what I mean)

Cyanuric acid levels can only be reduced by dilution, ie empty part of you pool and refil. I guess you are using stabilised chlorine? (the chocs you put in the skimmers) as this contains Cyanuric acid. Up to about 50 mg/l is good as it acts as a "sunscreen" for the chlorine stopping it from being degraded.

Since you are getting tested by the ddass you must be a public pool, therefore you should have a regular water changing routine - 50 liters per bather per day, a regular backwashing routine will allow for this. In this weather I am backwashing most days.



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Many thanks for the link - interesting site and nice looking test kit. I may just have to buy one when I get fed up with crushing the little DPD tablets.....and it would be nice to know the levels of stabiliser. I checked back with the DDASS figures from last year and they were similar so, apart from the normal backwashing & topping up, I hope to make it through the season with discarding large quantities of water given the shortages!

Thanks again,




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If you send me your details, I'll send you some tabs to get your started.

A spectrographic tester is a good idea if your professional Gite owner, as you

are obliged to be precise in your pool chemistry.

 However, if you want to avoid all of that then an automatic controller

which uses liquid (unstabilized) chlorine will get you through the year with a

precise understanding and control of your pool chemistry. You just read the

levels off the screen and it manages it all for you.

The DDASS men love them as they are very accurate and there is not cyanuric

acid to worry about. If you dosing with galletts (depending on the size of your

pool) you can go over the limit within a month if its hot.

PM me if I can help


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks all - I went out and bought an Aquacheck 7 kit which includes a test for cyanuric acid but it's not very accurate - just measures it in intervals of 50........I see that Lovibond do a specific test kit for this using the "Turbidity" method......I managed to buy some stuff from their UK office last year but it was a bit of a performance and freight charges were HIGH! Does anybody sell their products in France??
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