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Swimming pool running costs


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We have a same size pool.

I assume that you will be resident and intend to maintain it yourself.  We've been here for 2 Summers and I would say that (once you get the hang of it - see many other agonising previous threads), you should reckon on €300 minimum for the season. 

That accounts for water replen (dump a minimum of 33% p.a.), chemicals, filters, pump running.

It's not that bad, and after some good advice on here, I spent less this year than last 

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There are many factors at play here. Are you going to be living here full time? Will you be letting the property to others? How many people might be using the pool at any one time? Have you considered the security issues?

A swimming pool can become a money pit if you are not aware what you are getting yourself into. Installing the pool is the biggest cost but then you have to consider the add-on costs. You must, by law, have compliant security whether that is a fence or a cover and then you will also want a good sized terrace around the pool which is also costly but you need to remember that you will spend an awful lot more time on the terrace than in the pool so it is worthwhile making sure you budget for that as well. If you've taken all the initial cost into consideration and you just want a maintenance cost then it is wortwhile considering an automatic dosing system which is initially fairly expensive but will save you money (and grief) in the long term as you can utilise freely avaiable and cheap solutions from the hypermarkets rather that the overpriced 'pool systems' chemicals from the pool companies. The bottom line? If you set yourself up with a good dosing system you should be spending less than 10 euros a month on chemicals. Try to do it all manually and you could triple that and still not be guaranteed good water. You still need to consider clening and maintenance especially if you are not living here but I hope I've been of some help with your original question.
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I put a pool in at my house at Easter this year and have been on a learning curve since then. I use a non chlorine system that was supplied initially with the pool and for most of the time it has been OK. I found though that I need to 'Shock it' with Oxy treatment about every 2-4 weeks in the high temperatures because the non-chlorine system doesn't seem to be man enough on it's own. I also bought a robot cleaner -Hayward bug-off e-bay for a very good price but again it doesn't get right into the corners (my pool is a hexagon shape) so this needs to backed up by manual cleaning occasionally, using the hose from the robot with a 20.00 Euro kit from the local supplier. 

The back washing I get done on a weekly basis by my caretaker, using the removed water to replenish the dry lawn. And I have a 1000ltre tank bought from one of the local mills with filtered rainwater to top up (I treat the tank with anti-algae). I would like to find a way of salvaging the backwash water in non peak summer months though? Any thoughts?

To start with it seems like a minefield but you do start to understand it in the end.

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