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Living in France


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Hello, after living in Vulgaria sorry I mean Bulgaria for 3 year's and thinking I was going to make a living here, it's going to be time to return to civalisation as in Western Europa, and my long term dream of having a house in France, I would like to buy a barn to convert or a derelict and do all the work my self, I can do nearlly everything for myself , I'm sure someone has done this
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I suggest you do your homework   well first and read many many threads of all subjects on forums such as this one. Don't be fooled into thinking that France is a cheap place to live and work, those days are long gone as have cheap properties unless you find a pile of stones but materials and having utilities connected can be eye-popping. The red tape here can be a nightmare,so you will need to learn a fair bit of french to get on and remember that if you are not working and are under official retirement age, you must fundyour own healthcare and if you have not paid into the social security system,you get nothing out!

Sorry to sound negative but have seen so many come without doing any investigations and homework or even visiting before and discover they have made a huge mistake both with the chosen region, no chance of getting a job and generally ending up poorer than ever with no help forthcoming and I would hate for you to fall into that trap if you had not been warned. Saying that, many folks do make a go of it here, we did 20 years back and would not go elsewhere now but it is a hard life and taxes and charges are high unless you are retired with a good hefty pension forthcoming each month

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