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swimming pool base


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we are shortly to install a waterair pool (digger driver arriving today - oops so any rapid responses would be appreciated).

Other half is less than convinced over the recommended 5 cm of screed for the 'pad' or bottom of the pool.    The instructions do say that you can have a deeper pad than this if required, and OH is debating putting 4 or 6 inches of concrete below the 5 cm screed.    I would really appreciate hearing from anyone who has installed one of these pools and whether you did something similar on base.     

Hopefully it is not quite as awful as instructions make it look (the whole assembly); comments on process also would be useful, eg problem areas etc and how resolved.

any advice much appreciated.

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We installed a Waterair pool in 2003. No real problems and 5cm screed is plenty. Along with liner installation it was the only thing we had done profeesionally.  Rather than clog up the forum with queries of  limited interest if you have any others either Email or PM me and I will try to answer. I did get the instruction booklet supplied in English as well as French which was a help
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You did not say how big or deep your pool is - that matters quite a bit when

considering a response.

In general, with a 1-meter depth pool, a 5cm screed would be on the short side

of OK so long as you put a good amount of glass fibre reinforcing into the mix

(gasp... hairy concrete!!)

If your pool was deeper than that or you are concerned about any geological

movement however, I would council you to be more generous with the

concrete and woof (?) some more in there just to be sure ..., to be sure.

Concrete is quite cheap after all (so is mesh) - much cheaper than the

consequences of developing a serous crack in the base of the slab - torn liner.

This is not that likely but it could happen, in which case you are up for

taking the whole thing out and starting again (Bu@#$#$%er).

So, be safe be sure, and don't be mean when it comes to the bottom pad. Its

better when you ask questions like this to always give more information that

you think is necessary. For then we can give you and answer that is good for

you instead of a general one, which might not apply.

I hope that this has been of help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks poolguy - havent been on for a few days ..

i have a tendency to drone on giving out superfluous information, so had decided to try and keep it short and sweet !!  pool is 9 x 4.15 metres, 1.2 metres deep.

OH has decided that 5cm definitely not sufficient and has decided (don't ask me why in truth !) to put in 15 cm of ballast prior to screeding, as he is absolutely sure the screed will crack (!).     We even called waterair uk who said that 5 cm was sufficient, but when OH suggested ballast option, they said that was fine as well.   Please dont tell me its a disaster waiting to happen as he (OH) now seems adamant about the 15 cm ballast with 5cm screed on top !!

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Don't reall see a problem there... 5cm on a sound compact base.

Different story if you were going for a deep end , 1.8- 2 meters for example, I'd give it a bit more to be sure, to be sure.

Deeper than that and you are into real concrete not just screed.

Good luck


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