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Large grey plastic pipe "why"


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Hi ,

As you know Ive just had the pool completed, But the people who did all the work are on holiday for the next 2 weeks and Ive a burning question thats driving me mad,

Question, at the deep end of the pool we have 2 filter box's and next to one of theses filters is a pipe, approx 7inch dia, and its below the pool edging tile's

we have a seperate pipe fitted to the pump in the pump room for draining the pool, so it's not for draining,

I was wondering if this pipe is anything to do with drainage for the outside area of the pool, ie should the underside of the pool area be flooded, this pipe would be for the use of a pump to drain away the outer water? or is it anything to do with presure/tempiture change in the ground? like an expantion pipe.

any ideas please.

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It is so that you can check if the shell of your pool is leaking. If there is water at the bottom of it then the pool is not water tight..

This was the explanation I was given by the French company who installed our pool in French and was also confirmed our English estate agent who put me in touch with them in the first place.

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     has the paving around the pool been laid yet? If not and you are having some kind of slabbing done it may just be a drain that will be fitted with a cover level with the slabs for surface water to run off from the paving once it is complete?

best regards


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Hi Zak,

(no relation to Ringo are you???) Anyway, thanks for your  reply Zak, it really makes sence now Ive had a different look at the lay of the land and the possion of this large  grey plastic pipe,


It's at the lower part of a little slope (as the land isnt level) and the rainwater would go in this direction, So if I place a grid cover over the pipe it would all work.

Ive stood looking at this pipe on and off for hours and just couldnt see the use of it, but thanks to you Im sure you've cracked it.

Once again thanks very much.

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Hi Susie 24,

We just love your name and picture,

Again your reply makes a lot of common, and as I said to Zak, sometimes when you get a second thought on the subject it all falls into place.

We have'nt layed any slabs as yet, (edging done by the pool people) and so we can now see where we need a grid cover etc,

talking about slabs/tiles , they really can work out a hell of a cost,

we cant really do any laying just now due to the weather so we've been having a look at verious outlets and prices,

One minute we're thinking of keeping it very blank looking and then you see tiles with nice decoration/designs on them.

Its going tobe a large area to tile and with large plant pots/statues/ect it makes you wonder if the blank look wouldnt be better?

Well thanks for your help.

regards Pun.

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Hi "  Anton,

Many thanks for your help ref the grey pipe.

I only hope after all the messing about getting the pool in I never need to find any leaking in the shell.

I spent most of yesterday cutting wooden pegs and securing the new pool cover into place as a tempory thing until I fit the tiles into place and can then secure the proper cover pins.


In spite of taking great care not to see the cover swimming in the pool it ended up just there at least three times but by the end of the day I managed to do the job.

It looks nice and is within the law.

And thanks to all the help given on this thread, I can move on to the next part of this pool project.

Once again Anton, many thanks.

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The large pipe is a pressure relief pipe to relieve 'water-table' pressure from the sump; i.e. the ground under and around the pool.  If water in the ground backs-up it could become so pressurised there would be a danger of it cracking the pool and though highly unlikely in severe cases lifting the pool out of the ground.

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