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Backwashing - a simple query


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Hope this hasn't already been covered - I've searched the forum but this is a more bread and butter query.

We're new pool owners and had asked Poolguy to visit to discuss safety upgrades.  While he was here Poolguy very kindly got the filter operating  as the pool was still winterised and explained the procedure of backwashing and rinsing the filter once per week or if the filter pressure rises (if I recall correctly).  However I was having a bad day and can't now recall if it is a simple matter of switching off the pump and turning the filter valve to backwash (lavage?) and then rinse or if the filter inlet/oulet valves also have to be opened or closed?  I tried looking up sand filter manufacturers' operating manuals on the web and decided against a trial and error approach after reading the dire warnings of loss of limbs/structural damage etc.  Hence the question.

Also,  if I recall correctly,  when the filter first started running,  the filter pressure was sitting in the lower red zone.  The pressure is now well below the red zone (about one bar).

Any help would be much appreciated.

Regards - Ali's OH.



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Hi Ali,

I just turn the filter to back-wash and let it run watching the little window bubble until the water runs clear ( it will go, clear - dirty - clear). When I have done this I then run the rinse mode for a short while.

I catch all the water in a large butt, which we leave until the chlorine has gone and then use it to water the plants.


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[quote user="ali-cat"]

However I was having a bad day and can't now recall if it is a simple matter of switching off the pump and turning the filter valve to backwash (lavage?) and then rinse or if the filter inlet/oulet valves also have to be opened or closed? 

Regards - Ali's OH.


Yes, you are correct, in fact if you do not turn off the pump you will not be able to turn the filter valve. It will all become second nature after a few times.


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Hi Baz, on some valves, ours for instance, you can turn the valve with the pump on. Not a good idea though because there is a good chance that you will unseat the multiport seal in the valve. New seal 24€. I didn't find out the hard way, but I had to replace ours because it was knacked after a lot of years use (mis-use peut etra???)

Don't forget to open the stop cock to waste, if you have one? Otherwise the pump will just be trying to pump against a closed tap. It won't do the pump too much harm, but the filter won't get back washed (bin there, done that in a hurry!). As a matter of interest our filter normally works at about 7 to 8 lbs/sq inch. When it gets to just under double the filter needs the back wash. That is not any where as near as often with the Zelbright and the back wash is not so long either.

It was about 4 mins at 120 litres/min with sand, but now it is about a minute and not so often...

As BB said, don't forget to run a rinse till it gets clear too otherwise you will just pump a load of dirty water straight into your pool...

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[quote user="ali-cat"]

Many thanks for all the help folks.

Presumably then, after backwashing and rinsing,  you need to top up the pool level?



Yes, if it's needed. Overnight rain is cheaper.................[:)]

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