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Faded Pool Liner

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Four years ago we had installed an in ground pool with a salt water chlorinator. The liner was imported from the States. Through last summer we noticed a fading of the liner at the water-line. By the end of the summer the fading was pronounced, particularly of the frieze. The installer and the French importer's representative inspected the pool and found the chlorinator working correctly and the pH and chlorine levels perfect (7.2 and 2ppm respectively). At a subsequent inspection, by the importer himself, the chlorine indicator showed a concentration of 3ppm. The importer declared the fading to be caused by the over production of chlorine and denied any liability, this notwithstanding the 20 year warranty, a warranty which does not contain any exclusion in respect of chlorine damage.
Has anyone else had a similar problem?
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To blame the output of a salt chlorinator for fading of a liner is surely the

joke of the decade. Their output of chlorine is usually too feeble to sanitize the

water properly little on do any damage to a liner…. It would take more than 10ppm

for an extended period to have any effect what so ever in my opinion. I remind you

that one component of the PVC in your Liner is in fact Chloride.

So …Absolute rubbish, is what I say. The importer is trying to dodge a bullet

having to replace an expensive liner and trying to mislead you in the process.

There may be a host of other reasons why it faded but I can tell you clearly

and unequivocally that 3ppm concentration of chlorine from an electrolyser is

not one of them.

Take him to court is my suggestion (or threaten too) and I am sure that he will

have to be a little more factual and on his game than he is now. The expression

"pulling the wool over your eyes" comes to mind.

A word of caution though, if you want to pursue him than everything you have

done in pool care will come under examination, including the brand of water

line cleaner and sponge (or pad).. for the culprit could be any one of these.

If the liner does not actually leak then you might find a claim hard to bring


I suggest that you contact your insurance company for they will engage

experts to examine the problem and pursue the Importer for you... and

they take no nonsence, I know from experience (they were working for me

at the time).


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Many thanks, a very useful reply. I am now going to persue the installer with avengence. Thanks also for reminding me that our insurers may be able to deal with this on our behalf. Have set up a meeting with the installers for tomorrow afternoon. Will let you know what happens.

Best wishes


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