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what could this be???


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Hi everyone and poolguy, just a quick query. 

When I take the cover off our pool in the mornings, the walls of the liner are clean, the water is clear, the chlore and ph levels are normal, yet when I come to put the cover on at night ( we have guests) I have noticed dark patches have appeared on the pool walls near the bottom.  I am at a loss as to what could be causing this, anyone any ideas??? Do I need to introduce fresh water??? I actively 'winterised' over winter and kept a close check on water quality, but it seems to have started happening this last couple of days, the temp has risen from 14 to 21 degs since sunday,   I could understand  there being a problem if the levels for chlore and ph were wrong, but they are not, any advice/suggestions greatly appreciated.  Many thanks in advance


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I am afraid you will have to be a bit more specific about the problem.

'Dark partches' .... not a lot of clue what that could be.

Perhaps if you could email me some pics it might get a bit clearer.

Also could you post the results of your tests and if you have vacuumed.



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