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Has anyone out there had any dealings, good bad or indifferent, with a company called 'Waterair'? Their range of kit pools looks just the job for Joe Bricoleur but, as with most things, is it a case of 'if it seems too good to be true then it probably is' ? I would appreciate any views (or indeed recommendations for other kit pool suppliers in or near 24)
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This could be a bit like the best bank/supermarket etc -  some good, some bad experiences.  For what its worth we bought one at the beginning of 2003 and built it without any major problems. Unfortunately because of the water restrictions we were unable to fill it until Spring 2004.  Since then we have had trouble free use and have just brought it back into use for this year - water temp is now 22 degrees. We bought the Olivia 475 - 9.4 x 4.75m and chose a level 1.2 m depth. Roman steps were an add on and unless you are a dab hand at it I would recommend paying the extra to have their guy fit the liner.  He did ours while I would still have been thinknig about it!

All in cost of the kit then was €10777. We paid €500 to get the hole dug and I got our local builder to put down the base - about €300.

The instructions are simple to follow in French but they also provided an English translation of the booklet.

Hope that is of some help


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I would recommend that you look closely at the filtration and circulation capacity of the kit. I am regularly called to alter these installations at considerable extra cost as the equipment supplied proves too feeble to keep the pool clean.

If you are willing to attend to your pool for a number of hours each week throughout the year, then I am sure that you might get away with their system but as many of the pool owners whom I visit will verify, a pool should be for swimming in and not a part time job.

So there exists systems which are fairly automated and adequate for nearly any circumstances with respect to pool circulation, sanitisation, filtration and cleaning - unfortunately Waterair along with a number of other Pool companies in France do not sell them.



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I have the filwat poolside pump and filtration kit and the only problem I have had was of my own making when I tried to use a pool cleaning robot for which the pump did not have enough suction.   Filtration and water cleanliness have been fine as has the present robot which functions via the inlet pressure side rather than the vacuum. The links below give some good and bad experiences with Waterair kits and also illustrate some examples of construction 




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Thanks again Chas, useful links those, mostly saying that the Filwat isn't up to the job (confirmed by Poolguy in a roundabout way) and a lot criticising the ease of build - any problems in that area for you? I still like the look of the basic product but I don't fance all that concrete, the blurb states that a sand base is OK, any thoughts?
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We went for Filwat mainly for the convenience. I think if I did it again I would probably go for something moe substantial but I'm not sure what Waterair's other pumps and systems are like.  As regards building it isn't quite the doddle the salesman would have you believe but I had no major problems. An extra pair of hands is useful and as OH had broken ribs at the time I made occasional use of a neighbour!  You do have to factor in the cost of cement, sand, breeze blocks etc. My base is a sand cement screed (recommended in the instructions)laid by a local builder. You need concrete round the outside of the base of the frame for rigidity and for the margelles. Quite happy to Email/PM if you need any more details.
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