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Sand filter


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We have a salt pool(Poolsquad) which is generally very efficient.  However, very soon after cleaning we are getting sediment on the bottom of the pool.  My husband wonders if this is a problem with the sand filter( it is 4 years old).  We also use floculant.  Any ideas?


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Can I sugesst that it is time to change your sand as its only meant to be there for 3- 5 years.

I suggest that you change to zeolite as it will give you a

far superiour clean and help to keep the chemical balance a lot easier

especially on a salt pool.


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Hi Hibou

Yes if you email me with your address then I will send you a PDF

Its quite simple and will take you about 1 hour, depending on the size of your filter.

Most who have made the change will swear by it and never go back to sand.


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I'm not disagreeing with Poolguy but if you've been having a lot of rain recently that will introduce plenty of dust and particles into the pool which are then left as patches of sediment by the floculant that you use, basically that's it's purpose: to gather together quantities of fine particles which are in suspension and leave it on the bottom of the pool. In my experience if you have a significant amount it's best to vacuum it carefully and slowly to waste.

I would then plan to change the sand at the end of the season, as poolguy says: 4/5 years is about time to change.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello i'm dutch and have a swimmingpoolcompany in the lot et garonne.

There'r to explinations for it.

1: In your filter there's a pipe wich is connected to 5 or six little perforated pipes. This is that water go's in it , but not the sand.

If one is broken what can happen after years , your sand is coming in the pool by the jets.

2:  Don't use flocculant all the time and if you use it , not to much.

If your pool is green and you use flocculant  after a night you hoover it to waste your pool is nice and clean, but the product is stil working, so everything is stil compacting together and you have to hoover again. If you use multiaction tablets stop with it and use the normal chloretablets, because............ if there's enough chlore in your pool and you check it regulary algue don't grow!!!!!!

Also in multitablets you find products like stabiliser, and flocculant if you use this you'r filling the pool with products you don't need all the time. For example; stabiliser is a product to keep your chlore longer active especially on warm days, so the chlore is less sensitive for evaporating, but if there's to much in your water it change the reaction of all the chemicals and if there's to much it's stays forever in the pool and the only thing to get it out is emptying the pool alot and refill

hope you understand my english


kind regards

ruud de lang


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