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Idiots Guide to getting a Pool installed?


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We've decided to take the plunge ([:)]) and have a pool installed.  As complete newbies to the world of Piscines it seems the more we read, the more we realise how little we know.  Is there a good website that can give us an idiots guide to what we need to know?  Is there a glossary of terms somewhere (e.g. what on earth is an abri - apart from being a shed).

We'd like an in gound pool around 10m x 4m.  Key criteria for us is long life, minimal maintenance and low ongoing costs.  We'd rather spend more up front to ensure it's done right first time than continually be spending money on maintenance, heating, leaks, etc.  We visited a local pool shop yesterday and came away with some shiny brochures, but they are all kits including filters, etc - then having read on here that French kits lack the necessary filtering power, it doesn't give confidence that they would be any good.

Finally, can anyone recommend a good installer who uses high quality products in the Le Mans/Alencon area?


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Hi Goodlife ( I like the name)

Welcome to the wonderful watery world.

There are a a great many things to know before you are buying a pool and Its good to do the reseach before you choose. I am (steadily) building this sort of infomation in my Knowledge Base  www.poolguy.fr then select 'knowledge base' and then the article you want. Its only a fraction of the information I have to post but its tought getting time to get it all there.

There will be a Glossary there too but for the time being use http://piscinesforum.com/forum3/showthread.php?t=24


An ANFOR Compliant solid cover which either retracts to uncover/cover the pool, or you can lift up the leaves. It’s made of polycarbonate and aluminium and spans across the pool for its length. These are a very stylish option and can be manufactured in low profile (40cm clearance), medium profile (1 meter clearance) or high profile (2-2.5m) clearance. The benefits of them are many and certainly they enable a pool to be used just about all year round.

If you need help with your pool then PM me and I be glad to help.


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