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Skin Allergy caused by pool chemicals?

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I concur with Baz


More infomation please... test your water Free Chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity, Cyanuric Acid.

Its extremly unlikely that your reaction was from chlorine...... do you have a history of hyper senitivity? ITs more likely to be pH out of balance.


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Out of curiousity does high PH and total alkalinity dry out your skin?  I have just purchased a digital tester and got somewhat of a shock today when I tested the pool and all the levels are through the roof.  So far managed to reduce my PH to normal (I expect this to bounce back up due to high TA) and in the process of reducing TA - was over 200 now at 175, aiming for below 150 tomorrow..  Also with high PH and TA would the total chlorine level stay high, or have I been going a little wild with the chlorine tablets?

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the PH levels are fine...well, the test kit says they are! The chlorine is a little high. I swam yesterday with only a little rash reaction, but I made sure to shower off after swimming. Wondered if the previous reaction was due to sitting in the sun with pool chemicals cooking on the skin! not very clever....
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Chlorine gets a really bad press and is often the first port of call in blame.   Pool Guy and Baz are right in that you need to check everything.   It may be that you have a heat rash or the problem has been caused by something entirely unrelated to the pool.   Don't go crazy with chlorine though.   There are also companies out there that will test your water free for you, emailing the results to you and talking them through if you wish.

High alkalinity should not cause pH bounce though you are right, Sharkster, to keep it controlled.

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Sharkster: Does high PH and total alkalinity dry out your skin?  I have just purchased a digital tester and got somewhat of a shock today when I tested the pool and all the levels are through the roof.  So far managed to reduce my PH to normal (I expect this to bounce back up due to high TA) and in the process of reducing TA - was over 200 now at 175, aiming for below 150 tomorrow..  Also with high PH and TA would the total chlorine level stay high, or have I been going a little wild with the chlorine tablets?


The main effect of a high pH is to make an 'itchy, dry irritable' feeling on your skin and to make your eyes sting (tears are about 7.2pH). So its really bad for swimming it also affects the ability of the chlorine to disinfect the water. For example: @7.2pH, 1.5ppm chlorine concentration will result in the life span of E.Cole of 0.5 of a second.

@ 7.6pH - you need nearly 2.5ppm Chlorine to get the same result

@ 7.8pH - you will need nearly 4ppm Chlorine  ditto

@ 8 pH - the chlorine is not really doing much at all

In addition to these problems, a High pH will begin to degrade all the pools fittings, make your liner expand causing wrinkles, corrode all metallic surfaces and electrical connections.

Its really important to keep your pH in check which is why a lot of people leave this job to an automatic controller, without it you need to be constantly vigilant.

Your TA reading of 200ppm is fine, no need to panic till you get up to 300ppm or down below 80ppm. pH bounce will only start to trouble you if you go down to very low TA in which case you need to dose with Bi carbonate to soda to bring it up again.

Hope that this has been of help.


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That is a huge help.  My PH was 7.8 today, but have taken steps to bring it down to 7.2, which I guess in turn will reduce the TA a little anyway.  I think I have been a little lucky on the chlorine front then, since until yesterday my free chlorine was at around 10!! (I have been adding too much and the pool has been covered so no UV to burn any of it away).  It is truly scary how it is nearly impossible to judge what is going on in your pool with tester strips, I knew my chlorine and TA were a little high, but when I got my digital reader yesterday I was astounded how high they were in reality.

Thanks again.


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AquaCheck TruTest.  Picked up at my local BigMat.  It test for Free Chlornine, TA and PH.  I know there are better testers on the market, but this is a huge step up from guesstimate testing strips.

BTW - The PH has not changed in my pool but the TA is now down to around 150.  I have been putting the PH- in one place, since I read this is the best way to reduce TA.  So I guess tonight I will try using more PH- but this time put it in different places, to help bring the PH down, since the TA is back in line.

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