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Out of interest has anybody had their pool security checked yet,two years down the road and there are lots of pools in our area without fences or covers, so maybe most people are just installing alarms,but what happens when they are not there?
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Never heard of any private pool being inspected .

In fact as I understand it there is no mechanism/authority that is responsible for such inspections.

At the time the law was passed the minister responsible said there would be no random/regular inspections. The authorities would only act if somebody complained and then only following an incident. (i.e you can't just 'phone up and say my neighbour's pool doesn't meet the security regs.)

Despite a lot of scare-mongering by pool security equipment suppliers have yet to hear of anybody being prosecuted.




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I am sure that you are right.  Only thing is, if something dreadful were to happen, i.e. a drowning, and you had a non-compliant pool, then the consequences would be severe.  A pool alarm with no adult present would surely be regarded as non-compliant, therefore a fence or security cover is absolutely essential, unless you plan never to leave the place - which seems completely unrealistic.


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Posted a long reply to this and somehow it dissappeared.

Essence was that the pool security legislation is NOT about public safety - it is about child security in the home environment.

That is why alarm systems on their own comply - and also why there is no inspection or enforcement regime in place.



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As I understand it you would have to comply if you sold the house, this is the only check

Personally I still think this is a stupid law, what if you lived next to a river/lake/the sea no alarm is neccessary - you would have to apply common sence I am sure this has already been said before

I do not have an alarm and have no intension of getting one, thought I would use my winter cover (which does comply) if I were to leave the house unattended for a long time.

Stu the brew

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[quote user="Stu the Brewer"]As I understand it you would have to comply if you sold the house, this is the only check


Something like electricity regulations. You can fit what you like inside your own home/garden whther compliant or not. Nobody is going to come and inspect it or enforce the current regulations on you. Until you want to sell the property ..............




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We have just returned from our "home" in France and as the weather was dreadful (i.e. wind - rain!!!!) just like Glasgow! I was amazed to hear our pool alarm going off (3 times in one hour) because of the wind whipping up the water.  We are only there maybe 4/5 times a year for either weekends/one week stays and I am alarmed (excuse the pun!) that my neighbours are having to listen to this alarm going off with no-one there to run out with the little magnetic gadgets to silence it!!! Thankfully we (as far as I know) have had no-one complaining as yet to the Mairie BUT what is the point of this????  As far as I am concerned, if someone goes into our enclosed garden and drowns - TOUGH.  They shouldn't have been there - should they?????  And even if they do go in and drown and no-one bothers about the alarm - what happens then?  MY FAULT I suppose????????  Does anyone know the legal position here??



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Not wanting to get into another war on security

this is the section which you should think about when you have an alarm and you are not on site.

 l’avertissement suivant : « cette alarme est un dispositif de protection qui signale un danger (ou risque de

danger). L’intervention rapide en moins de 3 min d’un adulte responsable est obligatoire lorsque le signal

d’alerte retentit» ;

Make your own mind up, this is info not my opinion.

If you want the full regs in French please pm

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[quote user="Hagar"]

[quote user="Stu the Brewer"]As I understand it you would have to comply if you sold the house, this is the only check

[/quote]Just arranged the sale of a house for a client with an obviously non-compliant pool.  I was present for all the diagnostique and the fosse inspection.  No-one looked at the pool and it was not even mentioned.  Who told you that they are checked when a house is sold?

Something like electricity regulations. You can fit what you like inside your own home/garden whther compliant or not. Nobody is going to come and inspect it or enforce the current regulations on you. Until you want to sell the property ..............




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Strange in our area of Gourdon 46 we have notairs who have contacted us on this subject, they have the questions on the final papers.

Also we have estate agents who buy alarms just to make their houses conform.

It stands to reason if you are buying you would want to see the cirtificate of conformity, if you are selling why take the chance of the buyer dropping out .

At the end of the day its a LAW and its up to the individual to comply or not.

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[quote user="mayday"]

Just arranged the sale of a house for a client with an obviously non-compliant pool.  I was present for all the diagnostique and the fosse inspection.  No-one looked at the pool and it was not even mentioned.  Who told you that they are checked when a house is sold?


If you are acting as an estate agent then I politely suggest that you acquaint yourself with the law.  When selling a house in France, pools must comply with safety regs.  Often, as Chris says, this will simply mean including the pool alarm in the sale of the house.  Are you really saying that  you knowingly sold a house with a non-compliant pool?

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We had the gendarmes at the shop asking about a client who has a laser alarm

they wanted to know who installed it and if it had a cirtificate of conformity

this was a client in dpt 24 who was not on site, the lady in the next house told them he had purchased it from us

so who knows!!!!


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