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sliding pool cover problem


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I am looking after a pool for someone and I have managed to get the pool cover stuck just a few feet out into the pool. It is electronically operated and rolls out from under the square end of the pool. It is made of that sort of rigid hollow plastic slats stuff. It can only be opened and closed when the pool is at exactly the right depth, this shown by a red light that goes out on it's 'control' box in the pool house.

Before, I have drained a little from the pool (if it looks too deep), the light has gone off and therefore I can open/close the cover turning a key in a sort of 'lock'.

I tried this the other day. I began emptying the pool, as I did so the cover automatically started moving across (as the key was still in the open/close 'lock' thingy). It rolled out about three feet then stopped. the light now remains on and nothing I seem to do (filling it up, draining it a bit and so on and so on....) will make it go off now.

Anyone have any ideas what I can do next? [:'(]

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Is the area that the cover rolls out from accessible?  On mine I have wooden decking-type partitions that I can lift out to access the roller underneath.  Sometimes the cover concertinas up on itself as it leaves the roller and before it makes it over the pool.  This jams it, although it can be unjammed by hand if you can get to it.
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No, it's under the slabs that form the edge of the pool. I dare say I could put my hand down the back of it, just, but I couldn't lift it out or fiddle with it to any great extent.

Also I wondered whether the light would still go off if the pool was at the right depth, but also stuck?

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If it's the same make as the name on the box with the red light on, it's 'silver pool' or something like that (it's not in front of me obviously). Definitely not a french sounding name, as I remember, as I stared at it for nearly two hours waiting for the light to go out![:(]

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If all else fails it might be worth switching off/cutting the current to the shutter and lit box, waiting a second or two and then reconnecting.  It seems to work for so many other things, and if it has just got its circuits in a twist about something this may reset it.


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