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Setting up as a pool maintenance company & decennial


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Dear All,

Thought I'd try asking a question in this section but I might put it in the Earning a Living section as well.  My husband and I are preparing to start a swimming pool maintenance company and visited the Chambre de Metiers yesterday for some advice.  We won't be installing pools, merely cleaning them, wintering them etc., dealing with any pump problems etc.  The chap at the C. de M. says that we need the decennial (apologies if misspelt!) insurance even though we're not installing the pools.  I thought the decennial insurance was like a 10 year guarantee on building work etc. but he reckons that you need it for anything to do with water.  I can't see what we're guaranteeing for 10 years if we're doing cleaning, maintenance etc. - how can we guarantee that for 10 years?

Has anybody else come across the same advice?  Is it accurate?

We're going to go and see our insurance broker and see what she says but would welcome any feedback.  Thanks!

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Well... I would like to welcome you to the industry and wish you every success in your endeavours.

Can you tell me exactly what the consultant at the Chambre de Metier advised you to register as....?

I am not aware that there is a category for pool maintenance; certainly there is not a Piscinist or anything so specific to my knowledge.

As for decennial, he is talking complete rubbish and trying to be Officious as it neither necessary for you nor available to you - at any price.

We have just dealt with this topic on another forum and it is sure that if there is more than 20% of your turnover is derived from swimming pool business then there is not an insurer in France who will offer you any insurance any more - its been like that for nearly 10 years.

Contact me if you want specific help in organising your business.



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posted on in ground pool a few days ago

 Some info on decennale insurance and pool installers.

If you are a small builder you can get a decennale to cover you for a couple of pools a year, so any artisan or micro can be covered even if it is the first pool they have ever done and have no experience..

A pool professional for example with 17 years experience and who installs 80 pools a year can’t get decennale insurance, if the pool installations are over 20% of your takings then you are refused decennale insurance.

This makes life difficult for the pool companies who are successful and have been around a long time.

Pool companies have to give their own 10year guarantee, this  is ok for the ones who have history but for new companies its not so good, clients may not trust that they will be around in a few years time.

In the end its up to the client to make a decision, work with a builder who may have no experience and a decennale or a professional pool company with years of experience.

Talking to some colleagues it may be possible to get individual decennale insurance per pool but this would be very expensive and the client would be charged extra for it.

Just to end, if an insurance expert deems that a pool is  badly installed then the decennale does not pay out, it has to be installed correctly and then have a problem for the insurance to cover it

May-be talking to past clients and seeing a few pools which the company have installed could be the way to go

Hope this helps

You do not need decennale to clean pools, Give me a call if you need any more help


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Well, we run a gardening business, along with pool cleaning etc - we never get involved in installing pools or anything like that - we discussed this with our insureres who are happy to cover us on our public liability insurance - if we drive the mower into a pool, or drain it by accident we are covered - Pools are not our main income although we look after 26 now!

Where are you looking to start up this business? If I can help then I will


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