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empty the baby pool


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Hi All

I have a question that has been bugging me for ages...

I have a big pool and a little baby pool.

I have 4 pipes going into the pumphouse... 2 skimmers, 1 vacuum, 1 bond de fond(bottom pipe)

I also have 2 pipes going out... 1 refill pipe, 1 bond de fond(I think this refils the baby pool), which are connected to a vidage(empty it in the garden)

There is also the pump with recirculate, close, empty, filter, waste, backwash, rinse

I only recently found out that if I... open the bond de fond (out pipe), and the vidage : It will empty the baby pool.

The problem is how to empty the baby pool without emptying the water into the garden.. in other words re-circulate it back via the refill pipe.

The whole reason for this is to clean out the baby pool without having to manually vacuum it out.

I think it is possible as after a filter with the bond de fond (out pipe) open, the water in the baby pool, which over-flows into the main pool, goes down a bit.. so somehow it goes back where it came from.



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