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No Mains Water and No Electricity

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I'd welcome some advice.

I have a house in 87 which has no mains water and no mains electric (and no possibility of ever getting either of them!). I'd like to install a smallish above-ground pool but have only well water with which to fill it. I am aware from previous threads that it may be inadvisable to use well water but if I wish to have a pool then I have no option other than, I suppose, to buy it in a tanker load. I don't know if that's possible in France although I have a friend in Portugal who has all his water delivered by tanker.

My real concern though is the lack of mains electricity for filtering purposes. I have a generator which supplies the house with electricity as and when needed - which is not too often as lighting and TV is provided by solar power - but I would not be keen to run that for 12 hours or so a day due to the cost.

My question is, given my constraints how could I efficiently operate some sort of pool? Would it be possible to run a filter for say just one hour a day? Would this seriously restrict the size of the pool? Are there any other options I should consider?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Richard T

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[quote user="Chas"]Try googling "solar powered pool pumps". There are a lot of hits[/quote]Thanks, I hadn't considered solar powered pumps.

The google results are all American - I can't find any UK or French web sites which include solar powered pool pumps in their range of prouducts.

However one US site provided some useful technical specification which I could apply to my situation but the bottom line is that the capital cost of installing a solar powered pump is so high that it might be cheaper to have EDF erect a dozen or so pylons from the nearest village and supply me with mains electric! Well, perhaps I exagerate a little but certainly an arm and a leg would come into the cost equation.


Richard T

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]http://www.piscine-center.net/kit-panneaux-solaires-pour-piscines-avec-regulation-pompe-automatique/213[/quote]


I think that you might find that the labove link refers to a Solar thermal system that is to heat the water rather that supply electricity to run the pump.


If you can PM me with your details for contact then I can make you an offer which might give you what you want.


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