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Could someone help please.

In a nutshell,bought house 2 years ago with above ground pool. First year whilst not using, kept the pool going, with pump twice a day during offpeak electricity. Last August, not using switched off.

Yesterday, after seeing another thread decided to treat with chlorshoc and switched on pump. Woke this morning to find electric in the house off. Afer a while found the problem. Pump must have blown sometime after 5am. Pump and plinth in polypropelene totally burnt out

I have a unit supplied by Albatica piscines. Would it be relatively easy to buy another pump and is there anything else I should be doing apart from switching it off. The unit is no more than 3 years old.The pump ref no. is I beleive 35 83 04910, but I do not know if this is correct as on the instruction sheet it says "kit fixation pompe sur socle. I have seen advertised Albatic Albaflow0.50 CV.

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Thanks for your reply. To clarify, do you mean to test the electrical installation from the electrical point to the pump?

No harm in buying a pumpin readiness I suppose, but I am confused as to the size I need. I have emailed the company but have yet to receive  a response.From the catalogue left by the original purchaser there are two units of the same size, one has a .33 CV and the other a .50 CV.

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To determine the correct size of pump and filter for your pool, first calculate the volume of the water;

Length x width x average depth = M3

Then divide the volume by three ( 3) and that is the correct size of pump in M3/ hour


The first at .33cv would give you about 5m3/hr  - OK for 13 - 18m3 pool

The second at .5cv  would give you about 7m3/hr - OK for 20 -25 m3 pool


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