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Pool Alarms

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The Minister for consumer affairs announced this morning that 5 out of 6 pool alarms are to be withdrawn from sale. The identity of the only pool alarm which works sufficiently well has not been confirmed (although the Sensor Epsio was the only one to pass the tests carried out by the CSCsuffiently), but will be announced today here . He has also asked for a recall of the 5 types of pool alarm so the system can be modified or changed.

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Just found a newer report from Le Figaro here

The 5 alarms that failed the tests were ...

«Det 10» (Aqualarm),

«Poolguard» (Energie Engineering),

«Alpool JB 2005» (Alpotec)

«L'aquasensor premium» (MG International)

«Securipool» (Sécuripool International).

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Les modèles retirés du marché :

- AQUALARM Modèle DET 10


- AQUASENSOR Modèle Sensor Premium


- ALPOOL Modèle JB 2005

Seul modèle validé par les testeurs parmi les six modèles les plus vendus : l’AQUASENSOR Modèle Sensor Espio

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It looks like it is going to be a right royal mess.  Yet again a leading politician reacting to public/pressure group demand without thinking through the full consequences. Mind you I think the initial legislation itself was put in place that way - wasn't it something to do with a senior politician's child drowning in a pool?.

Firstly - out of the five alarms in question - two had already been withdrawn from the market before the CSC commisioned their tests. One was only a prototype from the USA that never pretended to meet the French norms (it has to be removed from the pool before swimming so cannot possibly meet the automatic reset requirements). One is a cheap import from China with dubious certification (probably deserves to be withdrawn) and the fifth, Aqualarm, are standing by their product and previous successful tests by the LNE saying the test was not representative.

Secondly - what about the conforming alarms that were not tested ?. There are others on the market.

Thirdly - the CSC are pushing for recall of the 5 makes they tested. How is that going to work?. One of the manufacturers already offer an exchange for an updated model if the customer tests himself (the 4 bottle thing) and the alarm is shown not to conform but they are probably the biggest and best known. What about those that bought the chinese import - they only have one model i.e no replacement/exchange is available.

As for the Aqualarm - can the authorities really just inisit on withdrawal of a product that has all the correct certification . Ther decision is based on a single sample and the alarm  failed the 6kg test - and passed the 8kg test - I could see that decision being challenged by the manufacturer.






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Yes - he has gone for it - http://www.rmc.fr/edito/info/55948/chatel-je-retire-5-des-6-alarmes-de-piscines-jugees-dangereuses-/

Interesting that in Denmark they have repealed all their pool safety legislation after 15 years  on the basis that it just doe not work (i.e it doesn't actually save any lives and there is some evidence to suggest that the existence of pool saftey equipement means parents get a bit too relaxed about it).



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Yes John

Aren't we also happy that we never sold any alarms, it was clear to any one that they would not last as they are not in any way effective security.

As for drowning increasing or decreasing, that is completly irrelevant argument in France as still now 2 1/2 year after its introduction nealry 50% of pool owners have nothing at all.

So the answer is clear, to be safe you need either a compliant fence, a secutriy cover (like John's) or an abri.

I guess that those people who have bought an alarm will have to choose again.


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Have talked again to the MG rep and this is how I understand the situation, not my opinion.

The Aquasensor pre005-m before September 2006 was tested and failed.

MG say that they recalled these alarms and changed something to make them conform in September 2006 so most alarms should be ok.

If you have one of these alarms they are the ones with the small 9v battery, if it was not recalled then you did not register it, or you missed the recall, they do not manufacture these alarms any more so they can’t be modified now.

At this time MG are not doing anything, the 2007 model was not tested so they are saying it’s ok and the new Espio manufactured by MG passes.

So looks like MG cant loose , MY opinion.


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Hi just some more info.

Aqualarm who make one of the alarms which failed the test have sent out a fax to say that the DET10 alarms have passed an LNE test and will not be called back, even though they failed the last one.


I called and asked if i can sell the alarms which i have in the shop, they said no wait for more info.

Catch 22

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I just heard from a supplier of Approved Security Fencing that he will refund the price of the alarm for those pool owners who want to change over to a fence security installation.

Sounds like a good deal to me, if anyone wants more information then PM me for details.


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Its a mess, this whole business, there seems to be no figures available to see if the new regs have saved lives, people thought they would be secure with pool alarms, but we all know how reliable they are.There are disciplines to be followed by any parent or pool owner, where there are kids you make sure you are vigilant.I remember going on holiday to Portugal with my two year old 20 years ago , we had a villa with a pool, well the doors were locked and he was not allowed in the garden without us, we took responsibility for his life, like all parents should.I have a top grade security cover, but if a couple of eight year olds wanted to get into it they could, as has been discussed before, it is no different to a pond or a lake in your garden, it is up to the parents to be responsible at all times.Kids could easily get over a security fence if they wanted.I can see all of this being history in a few years time.Has anybody been inspected yet, I have two pools near me that have no security, they are french, do they know something we dont, one of them was put in last year.
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It seems to me that the French have been taking lessons from the Americans. The regulations there are pathetic to say the least. So many things have to be alarmed, doors to be locked, fences built, maintained, inspected, planting has to be approved so that it can't be climbed... talk about treating everyone as retarded infants...hmm, this is Americans we are talking about...

At least the Swedes have got it right.
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a pool installer who uses the (paper Cartridges) who shall remain nameless but are in Dordogne, told a customer of ours who just had a pool installed by them, that its 'not nessasary' to have pool security - no-one ever checks.......

On that point, if you know a pool that is un - secured and you are worried about their own kids and other kids safety, (its slap bang in a village) who do you report it too?


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You should report the pool installer; they have a responsibility to make sure the pool has security after they have installed it.

By the way many pool companies use cartridges so be careful what you say or be more specific.

At the minimum the pool company should get a signed attestation from the pool owner that they will sort their own security out.

I cant believe that after all what has gone on a pool installer would be that stupid and say that!!!!!!!!!

As far as i have been told its the local Gendarmerie who polices the security problems.



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I know, but if I say anymore it will name and shame! (forbiden on this site I think?) Needless to say, The customer has since installed an Alarm - even though his house must be 5k from his neerest neighbour............

From my experience of many of the new pools we look after, the builder tells the customer he needs some sort of security when I fill it up. Its down to the individual to sort it out - however,  its not the customers property until its comissioned and final payment made - very grey area me thinks!

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