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Hardworking 'gardien' sought on Picardy/Normandy border

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Hi, Unfortunately our current 'gardien' and wife have decided to leave

for personal reasons and we are looking for a replacement.

Location: Chateau 30 mins from Abbeville, on Picardy/Normandy border

Job requirements are as follows: gardening, leaf sweeping, lawn-mowing,

woodland-work, building maintenance, estate management, supervision.

It is a part-time position, requiring 15 hours a week, and a one-bedroom

cottage, with large walled (private) garden, is included, as well as

access to outbuildings and land.

Start date 1st October 2011.

Salary, cottage, private garden included.

Fluent French speakers only, and a retired/former tradesman (and spouse) sought ideally.

The property is 40 acres of private land and woodland on edge of a village, overlooking fields.

Owners away a lot of the time.

Please contact by PM or email for applications and other info.

Thank you.
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