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DDASS visit


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Had my visit with the DDASS, they were very helpful .
This is as much as i can remember for now, Please do not post arguments with the following its what was said and even if you disagree please take it up with the DDASS not me i did not do this to start a war only give a bit more information..

A public pool is any pool which is used by more than one family not including private houses , so by Law any pool which is shared with two gites for example would come under the DAASS.

This rule is not policed as they do not have the staff, for example in the LOT they have two staff and have 350 pools to inspect so she said there is no way that they will be looking for the small gite complexes, in the LOT they start to get interested at 6 gites sharing a pool.

This is not to say that one day they could look at all shared pools.

Some departments have started to control small gite complexes already.

It is the responsibility of the pool owner to apply to the DAASS not the pool installer.

All the regs are the same no matter which department in France.

The only thing which changes is the interpretation of the regs.

They only have rules for pools over 240mcu and rules for pools under 240mcu .

They inspect once a month and are mainly concerned with water quality and test ph , free clor, total clor and cyanuric acid, then they will take a sample to be tested in the lab.

The pool owner must take these readings twice a day and note them on a form which they supply In the lot they only visit in july and august.

Tests must be with dpd tablets.

They can visit any time and have the right to test the pool without the owner’s permission.

Pools must have an auto clor dispenser but PH does not have to be automatic.

They will not allow salt pools at all.

Pools under 240mcu have no regs to say how many times the water must be circulated.

Any kind of filter can be used no control at all. Sand filters should have a separate foss to take the backwash water.

One skimmer per 25cum water.

If a pool comes under the DDASS then it should have a min of one WC and a shower in the near vicinity of the pool and a foot bath at the entrance to the pool, this goes up depending on the amount of people using the pool.

New installations will be controlled for wheelchair access to the pool area.

Pools are not allowed to be toped up with a hose pipe so must be connected to the mains and a Bac de disconnexion must be included to protect the Reseau public.

Summer let pools should be emptied and refilled once a year, and 30 lt min of water changed per person per day .

Pumps should run 24/24.

Chemicals should be in a child proof container and locked by Key away from the pool area.

Hope this helps
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[quote user="chrish"]

A public pool is any pool which is used by more than one family not including private houses ,


Hi, we do not 'let' at present. However, if we let our property, which is a single dwelling, do these rules apply? Sorry, but I can't quite decide what the correct interpretation is. By the way, we have a saltwater pool, but why on earth are these no acceptable? Is it something to do with chlorine production efficiency?


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Chris this is exactly what I was told by the same people in 2006 and by the DDASS in 24 too

Unfortunately many people won't believe you - or them!

There are rules, they may not be strictly enforced but they exist.

Too few pool companies when asked to quote to build a pool ask what the usage will be. Those decent guys who do may well be ignored by the prospective client in favour of a cheaper non-compliant option

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[quote user="baypond"][quote user="chrish"]

A public pool is any pool which is used by more than one family not including private houses ,

Hi, we do not 'let' at present. However, if we let our property, which is a single dwelling, do these rules apply? Sorry, but I can't quite decide what the correct interpretation is. By the way, we have a saltwater pool, but why on earth are these no acceptable? Is it something to do with chlorine production efficiency?



The DDASS will not accept salt electrolysers as they are not capable of maintaing a base remnant of chlorine in a pool at ALL TIMES which is the guiding principle of public health. The material fact that your salt eletroyser is contantly play a 'catch up'game to get the chlorine level over 1.5ppm  or ORP of 650millivolt even if they are maintained perfectly (which they never are) is the reason that they are unacceptable. Liquid chloinre dosers on the other hand can correct and imbalance in less than 10 minutes and so are the norm for public pools.

My personal view that its also evonmental vandalism to salinate and therefore destroy all that fresh water hasn't yet become part of the issue but it will in time.




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[quote user="chrish"]

I was told a single family Gite will not be counted as public.



yes the rules are quite clear, but once that pool is shared with an owner living next door, say,  it's 2 families using it and so it's 'public' within the definition

If the said owners don't use the pool whilst their gite is let, well it's a one family pool so non-public

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