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not enough pressure in the aspirator


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I have a problem with my hydraulic robot which does not move any more... Water is being sucked in and water is coming out the other end but not enough. On closer inspection I am sure it is because there is not enough

suction from the aspirator inlet as well as the skimmer inlets.  

I already cleaned the basket in the pump and checked for blockages.  The pressure reading on the sand filter is 1.5 which is quite normal and the pump seems to be making the normal noises.

I did take the robot pipes out of the water so the pool could be used but this may have introduced air into the pipes and then the air got sucked up... at a guess.

Is this due to water in the pipes and how could I resolve the problem. 



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  • 2 months later...
A guy came out and fiddled with a few knobs and it worked again... So, I have a few questions :-

1. I have just learned that the filter which has a pressure gauge also has an air release screw... Is this common knowledge and do all of you remove air on a regular basis?

2. The guy came and twisted on/off the main drain lever a few times which seemed to build up more pressure or at least made louder water flow noise...Does this mean there was a air lock?

Part of my tasks now are to do the above 2 things if the robot has been removed from the pool for a period... would this make sense?



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