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I have an AQUASENSOR SOLAR ALARM and it is 4years old .Today when I did weight test alarm did ot go off.I have aDomo boxin the house which is plugged into electric socket and it has a green light and a yellow flashing light .It states surveillance active and perte radio sur detecteur.

The actual pool alarm works with the magnets to start or stop activity.

Any ideas as to what is giving me the problem.It uses a lithium battery,claimed to last 7-10 years...it is  only 4 years old and since it is showing the nomal flashes when you stop /start the surveillance,presumably still ok.[8-)]


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Thanks,but to clarify for me did you replace Lithium battery 4 times or alarm?Alsoif the alarm setting /flashes are ok does this not mean that the battery is ok?...or doesit need a lot more life in the battery.What is the APPROXIMATE  cost of these batteries?7.2volts/5.2AH..They also have a strange connecter or is this normal for this size battery..?


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Sorry to not be any help to you but it sounds like typical french Cr*p. Surprised it lasted as long as it did, must be a reject one as I'm sure most things have a timer in them that as soon as the guarantee is up it pops! Thats why it must be a reject.
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Sorry Ab,

The alarms all did as you said, bleep'd etc but failed to detect the object thrown into the pool, disatisfied with MG int'l I tried to source replacement parts for pressure transducers but it wasn't that so maybe a chip failure.

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Ab, the alarms were on 4 different pools, 3 alarms were replaced with other companies alarms, 1 of those failed end of last year not sure what the other owner did on their pool. They were looking at fencing but don't know if they did anything.

Yes the chip is on the circuit board, it wasn't worth my time to keep on with it.

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