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Complete France Forum

Air in the pump - 2nd query


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Regarding my post of yesterday, Théière was kind enough to give a possible solution to my problem.

Bearing in mind the pool is in France and I am in the UK, I have just remembered that in the instructions, it said to fill the pump pre filter with water before starting. Did it mean 'fill to overflowing' or just enough to fill the bottom half?

My biggest fear is that the air leak could be caused by a hole in the pipe work buried underground because that would cause major works.

Thanks for your help.
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Nick, the reason for filling the prefilter prior to starting is to help the pump prime as they cannot draw air. It's good practice to fill the prefilter completely but if the pump primed the filter will fill.  I recently worked on a pool that was professionally installed and the installer used domestic plumbing pipe and not the thicker stronger gauge pipe for pools so over the winter it shattered.  If you have a small air leak it is most likely the parts you disassembled over the close down. If you have a big leak that will make it self known very quickly.

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