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Filter Problems

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I have an above ground pool with a 1/2 HP pump and filter filled with Zeolite.  The pool clarity is excellent but for some reason I cannot shift some fine dirt from the pool.  After hoovering the dirt, the pool stays clean for a few hours but then the dirt appears in the pool again.  I think the dirt if fine mud or sand particles.  Is there likely a problem with my filter?  It is in its 3rd season with the same Zeolite.

Also, when the pressure builds up on the filter due to debris, I can turn off the pump and then turn it on again and the pressure drops back to what it would be when it has just been backwashed.

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I had that problem with my above ground pool for years and got fed up of spending a fortune on chemicals. So I did what someone recommended on here, dumped the sand filter and pump that came with the pool, bought a new more powerfull one and it,s SO much more easier to clean. The pool hoover wizzes round in a couple of minutes, with the old pump it would take forever to go round the pool once. I think you might have Mustard Algae, that,s what I worked it out to be, bought the products for it and much improved. Mustard Algae is sand like, just comes over in the air/rain etc. But hardly a problem at all now with the new pump/filter.

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It could well be mustard (yellow) aglae but vacuuming to waste is an easy way to rule it out, if it is vacuumed out of the pool and then some more is observed then It is probably a mustard algae attack. It takes a lot more chlorine to erradicate mustard algae than the green so the choc level needs to be higher and held higher with regular chlorine additions until the algae has gone.
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Yes sorry Théière, I forgot to say that I do hoover it to waste when I see it. I still get it but I shock the pool as you said, I now use a really concentrated form of Anti Algues, I keep on top of that and the chlorine, maybe adding a bit more than someone else does but it must be working as the water is crystal clear and sparkling.
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