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Above ground swimming pool


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I looked at the Castorama site and noticed this type of pool which is semi submerged into the ground but with about half the depth above ground [url]http://www.castorama.fr/store/Piscine-en-bois-semi-enterr%C3%A9e-Bahamas-824-cm-x-429-cm-prod720141.html?navAction=push&navCount=4&categoryId=cat_id_2241&sortByValue=&isSearchResult=[/url] Has anyone bought one of these? I am interested to know if it is classed as a permanent fixture with the same implications as a below ground pool or classed as other above ground pools. Thanks
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  • 1 month later...

[quote user="Cathy"]Has anyone any recent recommendations for a company that sells above ground swimming pool kits in France - one with wooden surrounds?  

After a search on the Forum, I have already looked at Maison et Confort.



As you have probably found out by now if you have bought your above ground pool, that the circulation and filtration equipment provided is woefully inadequate for the job - to keep the water clean and safe.

So don't be afraid to ask for help to up grade the circulation, filtration sanitation and testing capabilities to a level that you need to keep your family safe from water bourn nasties - because they are truly very nasty.

Don't assume, for example that because its sold as a kit that its 'fit for purpose' because as anyone who owns one of these kits for any length of time will verify, its very difficult to cope with the job of maintaining water quality with this kit – it can be much, much easier and better.

So if you need advice on what to do then just ask and we can steer you in the right direction. Those who have already done it are certainly glad they did.



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We have not changed anything with our Easyset pool. The only thing I bought extra was an electronic PH and chlorine tester for about 50 Euros just to save time. Other than that all appears to work OK and we are in to our 4th year. I see LeClerc are selling these pools this year for 229 Euros and for what they are they very good value for money.
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I am about to order one tomorrow from Zyte (who has several outlets aournd Bordeaux).  I shall let you know how I get on.  So thanks everyone for their tips.  I shall ask to upgrade to a better pump as part of the order.

Does anyone have ideas about pool height - 1.25 or 1.4 metres?  1.4 seems really high from the ground but is it better inside?

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[quote user="Cathy"]
Does anyone have ideas about pool height - 1.25 or 1.4 metres?  1.4 seems really high from the ground but is it better inside?


Depends if you are only 1.35 metres tall [:D]

Cathy have you a good chemical tester? It's good to start off on the right foot and you have done that with a better pump/filter combo. The dip strips are not very clever, although they are close ish (manufacturer depending) for chlorine and Total Alkalinity (TA) other parameters are hopeless especially PH. Total Chlorine (TC) and Cyanuric acid (CYA). When I was over last week I tested several pools with very high levels of CYA (190-200ppm) and the dip strips I had (Aquacheck, Pool ID, Check It ) all  showed low readings 20-40 and Pool ID showing 0 ppm. I am sending the Pool ID strips back to them for testing as they were so far out. 

I am going to ask Palintest to send me a sample of their dip strips, if they can't make a good one no one can.

There are a couple of dip strip readers on the market, ExactMicro and Aquacheck tru test but neither is very good.  If possible find test kits from Palintest or Lovibond as they are world renowned for their water test kits and electronic readers or comparitors. Andrew (Poolguy) sells the Scuba+ from Lovibond which is pretty good tester.


Good luck with the new pool and don't forget to post some pictures.


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[quote user="Cathy"]I am about to order one tomorrow from Zyte (who has several outlets aournd Bordeaux).  I shall let you know how I get on.  So thanks everyone for their tips.  I shall ask to upgrade to a better pump as part of the order.

Does anyone have ideas about pool height - 1.25 or 1.4 metres?  1.4 seems really high from the ground but is it better inside?


To get best results out of your filtration given that you will ask for an upgrade with your new pool, find out the volume of the pool you wish to purchase and divide it by 3 and that should be the capacity of the pump and filter you buy. Don't forget to ask them about Zeolite to put inside (not sand). If they look at you blankly, suck their teeth or shake the head vacantly then ignore it and contact me afterwards. It would be obvious that the information hasn't yet filtered down from head office that they do do Zeolite (from me in fact). Testers.... well my good friend Teapot has said already what you should do. If it all gets too hard then feel free to Pm me.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all

We are considering installing an above ground or semi submerged pool.  Can anyone tell us if we need planning permission for either of these and more importantly, whether it will significantly increase our taxes (these are already incredibly high so the pool might be a non-starter!). Thanks in advance.

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[quote user="Steve"]

Hi all

We are considering installing an above ground or semi submerged pool.  Can anyone tell us if we need planning permission for either of these and more importantly, whether it will significantly increase our taxes (these are already incredibly high so the pool might be a non-starter!). Thanks in advance.


For pools in the open air or with a cover less than 1,8m high: under 10m2 no formalities, 10-100m2 you need a déclaration préalable, over 100m2 and you need a permis de construire

A permis de construire is needed for any size of pool with a roof structure more than 1,8m high

 http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/piscine.pdf gives you the info on blow-up pools, basically under10m2 no formalities, over 10m2 and for only 3 months no formalities, over 10m2 and you want to keep it up for longer you need to submit a déclaration préalable

Please note that if your property is in any sort of protected area (eg national park or near a listed building) you should check first with your Mairie, as requirements may be more strict.

As for any increase in your taxes, if you submit either a déclaration préalable or an application for a permis de construire it triggers a message to the tax office who will, in due course, ask you to complete a form (Modèle H1) giving details of the property so they can update their records and increase the tax base for your property.

Hope that helps!

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This is a above ground pool ( semi sunk ) I installed. 


This is from SP Leisure in the UK. High Spec and excellent quality.

I could not find a French pool as good as this for the price.

If you call them  0044 1293 297 000 ask for Tristan. 


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Nice job Dave, have you got child security, it looks to me like it probably qualifies ?

Re permission, I can't help but wonder just how many purchasers of the popular Intex range of AGP's, only the very smallest of which come in under 10m3, bother to submit a déclaration préalable [Www]

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The size of the pool is irrelevant vis à vis the pool security laws. By

the letter of the law such a pool in France needs an approved security device

installed and used correctly.

Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just stating the facts
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