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ph automatic doseur


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Hi All...

I am looking round for an automatic dosing pump for Chlorine... I found this one (http://www.piscine-center.net/pool-net/686/2913) but I bet you are going to tell me it is rubbish... it is very cheap.  There is also a redomatic (http://www.piscine-center.net/redoxmatic/172/2911).. maybe better?

Teapot: You mentioned a Seko one... I could not find any prices with them... Also, the PH one looked simply like in the photo you posted but the chlorine one looked incredible complex.

Do you know a ball park figure for a seko cholorine dispenser... and also what are your thought about the 2 dosers above..

Thanks in advance


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Hi Osie,

My only comments on the first one are, the timer looks to be as basic as you can get. That cheap Brico type do fail and generally can only be set for 15 minute interval/run times and I run my pump for 7 mins in the morning and 7 mins in the evening when not on automatic (my posh system). I used a timed version (digital timer) to see if it was a low cost practical alternative to floating galet dispensers and it is. Second comment would be any spares you need would be difficult to track down so could be a problem as it's not a pump I recognise.

The redoxmatic, that's a seko pump in the lower picture of that advert, spares are not a problem! Not sure about the upper picture for the same reason as above,

Prices are similar, you'll need to PM for detailed price as we'll get into trouble with forum rules.

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