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how much water can I drain out of my pool


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Hi Forum,

              does anyone know how much water I can drain out of my pool when I go away for the winter (november thro til end March)

My pool is in ground resin, 9.3 metres long 4.5 metres wide and slopes from 1 metre at the shallow end to 2 metres at the deep end.

I need to drain a fair bit out as I dont want it to overflow when we have bad rain during the winter.

Any ideas as I have heard all sorts of horror stories about pools imploding etc.



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Billy, as no one can know what the weather will bring you have a couple of options.

Depending on where your filter/pump equipment is located, disconnect the skimmer line at the pump end and make a drain arrangement there so anything more than the lowest skimmer level will drain away.

At the top of a lot of skimmers there is a connection point to drain off excess water, this could if you have one also be utilised.

Make sure the water run off is a fair distance away from the pool, you absolutely don't want water to make it's way under the pool as that could make your boat pool float or burst the bottom.

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Thanks Theiere,

                       I have looked at the arrangement in the pumphouse and it is not practical to dis connect the skimmer line, also my skimmers do not have any point where I could drain from, however I could probably dig a trench from the back of the skimmer and connect a 40 mm pipe so it could drain into a ditch if it got too high although that seems a bit extreme. Alternatively I could set up a spare well pump and ask my mate up the road to pop in and check it and all he would have to do is switch the pump on for an hour or two.



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