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Non-submersible pump flooded


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As part of my pool system I have a pump whose job is to draw water from a well and maintain pressure in a tank that feeds the pool. The pump is a Jetly Jet 151, monophase (230v).

This morning the area that contains the pump became flooded, and it has been submerged for a couple of hours. During that time the breaker blew on the circuit that includes the pump; it seems a fair bet that the breaker was tripped by something in the pump – I'm sure it wasn't designed to work under water, and there's nothing else on that circuit except a couple of light bulbs.

I don't have a manual, but the manufacturer's website gives the following information for that particular model:

"Protection thermo-ampèremétrique et condensateur permanent incorporé."

When I've finished draining the area, and the pump has had a chance to dry out, can I just reset the breaker and switch on? Or is there something that will need to be repaired or replaced? Or is it likely to be worse than that?

Any advice welcome.
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Thanks for the replies. It looks as though we have a couple of sunny days coming, so I will just wait patiently and let it dry.

Théière: there is already a submersible pump, in full working order. In order to explain why the area nevertheless got flooded, I would have to tell you about the stupid mistake I made while cleaning the pool, and that would be just too embarrassing.
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