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Chlorine tablets v automatic electricity plus salt system


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I have posted before concerning our Sterilor Sel system which had a blip a while ago and then righted itself. We are about to replace the electrodes but wondered about the possibility of just using the chlorine tablets manually instead. Are they suitable for a 65 cubic metre pool which is in use all year round or are we better to continue with the system we have ? Any advice gratefully received. We don't have anyone independent we can ask and wouldn't trust the installers anywhere near the pool unfortunately ! Thank you.
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Hi Manon, tablets are just a source of chlorine, as the pools get larger you just use another addional tablet floating dispenser. However, with your pool being open for longer using tablets will build up your stabiliser level too much and then you'll need to swap out some pool water for fresh. I think replacing the electrode cell is the better option or swapping to direct chlorine injection via a pump and controller provided you don't mind handling 20ltr bidons of javel from your local brico shed.
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If you were to go to a chlor injection system then you could lash out an extra 4 or 5€ and get one of the syphons that are used here for filling parafin stoves. That's what I use and I have no problems dong it and it's so very easy. 

They are the things with what looks like a small red barrel at the top of the rigid pipe and a flexible pipe from the side.

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