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Planning permission and above-ground pool


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[quote user="Clair"]Indeed![:)]

I was asked to complete a new H1 form after installing an above-ground pool (subject to a déclaration de travaux, which automatically kicks a H1 follow-up).


Sorry - going off topic a bit!

I didn't realise you had to get planning permission to install an above ground pool, Clair? Are you sure? I thought it was just inground pools.

We have a little one (4mtr diameter, metal wall) which we are going to put up next to the patio at the weekend (on the box it says that it will take 3 men, five hours - ha!). Should we fill in a form?

Edit - Eek! How do you do a quote without the gobbledegook?

Edited by Moderator to make quote legible

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No you don't need any permission to put up a pool which can be taken down again at the end of the season. Its only for in-ground and semi-in ground and a permanent fixture like one of the wooden framed ones over a certain size that you need permission for and safety regulations.
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When I looked into it in 2004, I was given all sorts of guidelines and quoted all sorts of texts.

From what I can make out, the need for a déclaration de travaux depends on various aspects and/or a combination of:

  • height of pool walls: yes if walls are above 0.60m but no if they're inferior to 1m and both following conditions are also answered by no
  • distance from boundary: no if distance is greater than 3m
  • pool surface area: no if inferior to 20m²
Our above-ground pool is 1.10m high, so we completed a déclaration de travaux for that reason alone.

The official text I quote from is here:


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Don't you just love france and it's wonderful interpretations of rules.

We have a 6.5 metre above ground pool, 1.4 metres in depth and because our ground slopes part of the pool is 0.5 metres below ground. I took detailed plans to the marie and was told that "thank you for advising us, but no permission is required", "we will advise the pompiers, however, that there is now an emergency water supply available at your property"



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  • 11 years later...
A non-public outdoors summer waves above ground pool in the lower back garden of a home assets within the united states does not normally require making plans permission unless the property is listed, sited in a conservation area or vicinity of super herbal splendor or the summer pool is to have a permanent enclosure, where making plans may be required.

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  • 3 months later...
A guy in our road has just installed a partly above ground pool, one of the 4 sides is above ground, the rest totally underground. It is built less than a metre from the neighbouring boundary and less than 3 metres from his sliding patio doors. He told us the Mairie said he didn't need any permission and so therefore would not affect his property taxes (I do actually believe he made these enquiries as he's a pretty straight up and down guy). Hearing this good news, we took a few drawings to the Mairie just to make sure; Our pool would be smaller than our neighbours, only 2 of the four sides would be partially underground (sloping site) and ours would be sited more than 80 metres in either direction from our nearest neighbor. Mairie told us we would have to complete a declaration prealable, we could not site it less than 3 metres from any of our house walls and because just under 50% of the pool is underground our property taxes would increase. When we asked if we could install a totally above ground pool (not ideal) without the need to complete the forms (and subsequent hike in taxes) his reply was that because we are on a steep slope, any excavation to level the site to accommodate a pool would mean it was underground. Never heard such rubbish in my life. But guess what he says goes?
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Being close to a chateau we had to apply to the batiment de France not a simple h1. Being only 1.8m from the boundary on two sides made no difference and the application went through.

Seems they make up whatever they want. Our French neighbours, born in the village did not apply or tell the Mairie and put it down as a reservoir, no problem for him as he utilised the old under 100m3 no permission is necessary.
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[quote user="Bugsy"]

Don't you just love france and it's wonderful interpretations of rules.[/quote]

When we lived in Cornwall we wanted to build a garage.

We were told it would have to have a flat roof, which we thought sensible, as it would then not be visible from anywhere except within our property, so we submitted plans.

The plans were not approved, as the rules had just been changed, and now a pitched roof was mandatory.

So we submitted new plans for a prefabricated garage with a pitched roof.

These were refused, as they said we were in an area of outstanding natural beauty, and only a masonry garage was permitted.

We gave up on the garage; it was getting too expensive, and then plans we submitted to improve the house were refused until we added a hipped roof in Polish slate to replace the tiled one, and panels of fake stone veneer on the façade.

We had so many other problems living there that after less than two years we sold the house and moved to Spain.

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Our first house in France was on a steep slope and we applied for permission to build a pool - we had to excavate to find a level placement.
We got permission, but they were more concerned with the distance from some overhead electricity wires (moyen).
So even if you want an above ground, maybe if it involves excavating it's classed as in-ground.
We never did complete the pool - common sense intervened. I had visions of the whole thing sliding down the hill after a heavy storm. The earth was 100% clay.

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  • 5 months later...


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