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What do all the acronyms mean?

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CPAM = Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie - an insurance bureau which manages the state healthcare insurance system
CMU = Couverture Maladie Universelle - the state healthcare insurance system.  Contributions are on a means tested basis.
Cartes Vitales = a green plastic card with computer chip which automates your payments/reimbursements under the state healthcare insurance system
Cartes de Sejour = a residence permit required by foreigners living in France.  Not obligatory for EU citizens.
E106 = a temporary certificate issued by the UK Dept of Work and Pensions which your provide to your CPAM.  It exonerates you from the means tested contributions for up to two years.
E121 = a permanent version of the above, issued once you are in receipt of your UK state old age pension.


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