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Please post only factual information together with information about the source.

I understand from the British Embassy that a statement & instructions to CPAM about the 5 year rule will shortly be made by the french government.

I also understand from the UK Minister for Europe that discussions are still taking place concerning the retrospective application of new legislation.

ECAS, a european body for the protection of citizens rights have also filed a complaint with the EU.

Lets hope we get some GOOD NEWS!!

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I have had a look at it and really, very little, if anything, has changed, although there are some more solid rumours about - but that is all they are - rumours - so not really fit for the thread yet.  Best if it stays as is for the mo', Cat.  Unless others know differently, of course....
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Cat, cooperlola, I am interested in what I see as a slight difference in intonation between the Healthcare Issues Site ie:-

However, if you have been resident for 5 years or more, you should be able to remain in the CMU.  At the moment, however, most CPAMs are not accepting this avenue, and we are currently investigating this possibility further.

and The Story So far:-

After 5 years permanent, uninterrupted residence, you can apply for a "titre de sejour",  which gives you the same healthcare rights as a French citizen in a similar position so re-entry to the CMU is possible.  We now have concrete evidence to back this up.

What is the "concrete evidence" that isn't perhaps concrete enough for the website?  This is in no way a criticism, just curious[:D].


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Well, we know it's enshrined in EU law, but we also know that the French government is trying to "wriggle out" of it - or at least we did!  My sources tell me that the circular which is going out to CPAMs may indeed concede this point, but everybody is keeping stum at present.  We know what should happen, and what we think is going to happen, but the way things have gone to date, when we know, we don't always know that what we know is correct![:-))]
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[quote user="cooperlola"]  We know what should happen, and what we think is going to happen, but the way things have gone to date, when we know, we don't always know that what we know is correct![:-))][/quote]

Nicely put!  We all really just have to wait and see what guidance is sent to the CPAM's[Www]

Thanks for the prompt reply

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