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I'm putting a complaint to the UK Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman regards the limited cover ( 2.5 years ) that the E106 affords

Why not 3 years or 5 years .......

Their remit is ( from their website )

We look into complaints that government departments, their agencies and

some other public bodies in the UK - and the NHS in England - have not

acted properly or fairly or have provided a poor service.

Can anyone help with draft complaint . Please email me with your ideas

I know its a long shot, but what the hell

Joshua [:)]

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  • 4 weeks later...
Update : E106 Entitlement

Following Puzzled and Makfai's advice I emailed TVP International Enquires ..........

Dispite two emails from me, and one from another address and a snail mail letter

Emails , pinged back to confirm reciept and an auto message saying they would get back to me within ten days,

I've heard nothing.

I've also asked, in the same emails have they currently, or at any time in the past, extended the entitlement.

I'm hoping this, if they've done it, might help those people with immediate needs.

I know this is a long shot but I'm hoping the justification for 2 to 2.5 years was to enable Expats to settle and sign up to

the choosen country's health service.

I'll give it another week  and then take it up with the DWP Ombudsman


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Don't forget that two or two and a half years' worth of E106 cover for inactives from Britain is two or two and a half years' more than you get from most other European countries. So although I wish you luck you are on a hiding to nothing, I fear. Your venom should be directed towards the French, who are withdrawing your existing cover, not the British, who have changed nothing. 
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My concern is that friends here, who settled in Spain and got hit with the land grab and they have a file full of letters ( including Tony Blair ) that promised they would help.

My Plan B might suck, and I have no illusions it might not work but what the hell its only time and it keeps me off the streets

For what its worth, I think the work that's been done by everyone concerned raising awareness will get a result.

I've seen unity, strength and courage in this forum.

 I'm proud to be British, lucky enough to live in France



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Had a reply from DWP regarding E106 Entitlement

Expected , chapter and verse.

No answer to why only 2.5 years entitlement. EC Regulation 1408/71 Article 19.1 (a) but thats says nothing about 2.5 years

Been reminded that I can't distribute the contents of the email !

I've emailed back asking again.

Teletext, I am told by folks in the UK, have run the story today. No doubt we are still getting "FREE" health cover.


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Hello Joshua,

Leave it at that. You do not realise how potnetially damaging your approach to the DWP was. (WIll alluded to this in his posting).

There are a few of us around trying to influence the French authorities without you putting your irrelevant oar in.




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The problem is that those regulations were intended for "Employed or self-employed persons" living in a country other than their "competent State"

The extension of E106's to people moving abroad permanently was probably intended as a measure to facilitate the mobility of labour, certainly not as a  free gift for early retirees.

Once you have ceased working in the UK the competent authority becomes the one in which you live. The extension of cover by the UK  virtually amounts to an extra statutory concession. It could be argued that cover should cease on leaving employment, or certainly at the end of the contributions year in which UK activity ceased. 


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As puzzled said on the previous page - I reckon that if I had just found out that my health cover was about to expire (as many will have done for the very first time today - not everybody is glued to expat sites!) and I were chronically ill or undergoing life-saving treatment, I  would go down every avenue I could think of before giving up.  I understand Owen's point very well - the French need to be made to understand how their interpretation of an EU ruling which expressly states that it is supposed to enhance free movement within the Union is wrong, and can be interpreted as just plain illegal in some of its aspects - but I think it's going a bit far to get hot under the collar at individuals who are just wondering what they can possibly do to avoid being illegal aliens in the country in which they live, in a meagre 7 weeks or so. I am one of the very lucky ones - I've just got a few extra euros to find - others are desperate.  If I were in that situation and thought there was the slightest chance that the UK government might help me through an E106 extention, I  would probably go for it, as Joshua is doing.
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[quote user="Owen"]Hello Joshua, Leave it at that. You do not realise how potnetially damaging your approach to the DWP was. (WIll alluded to this in his posting). There are a few of us around trying to influence the French authorities without you putting your irrelevant oar in. Regards Owen[/quote]

Owen, would you care to elaborate on how this might be damaging or how it might detract from your sterling efforts. You might not think what Joshua is doing is worthwhile or advisable but it would more useful to explain why instead of just being offensive.


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Hello Janne and Danny,

Because it could lead to the UK reinterpreting the rules (adversely for the insured). The Irish Republic, for example, does not issue E106s to early retirees.

I may have been sharp and if that offends - so be it.



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I can’t imagine I’m the first person in the world to

question the validity of limiting the entitlement of the E106 to 2.5 years

If the UK withdraw E106 Entitlement they certainly will not

do it retrospectfully and if they introduce a deadline to stop it, the Expat

Insurers will benefit by snaring their prey earlier. So it’s win, win for them

I’m still bumping into Expats who are blissfully ignorant

about the changes and it’s not nice, for example, to explain to someone last

night over dinner, that they may have major problems after Christmas. This

gent’s is just getting over cancer treatment.

The only health insurance I’ve found so far, is akin to car

insurance if you promise never to take the car out on the road.

Maybe the potentially damaging affect may be to the Expat

private insurance companies who are set to make a good slice of business from

this mess if a solution is not found.


I spoke to a colleague from another Expat

Insurance Company late in September ( he thought I was a personnel friend

calling ) and he went on to tell me that they ( business partners ) had been

out celebrating the “good news”

Don’t ask me to have faith in anyone, particularly insurance

companies, not with a couple of months to go.

Hope I havn't offended anyone




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Hello Joshua,

The reason why you and others question the limited validity of E106 is because you do not understand the actual basis for issue of this form. Certainly underpinning its issue is Regulation 1408/71 but the UK puts an additional (and what I regard as a generous) interpretation on its issue. And that is to have an underlying entitlement to UK Short Term Incapacity Benefit. You do not actually have to be in receipt of this benefit - just have underlying entitlement.

The UK would not withdraw the E106 retrospectively, you say. That is OK then. What about recipients in the future? Around 5000 E106s are issued each year and if I can persuade you and others not to rock this boat so it will continue to be issued I will do so.



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Hi Owen,

You assume too much.

I knew about the connection with STIB

I’m trying, carefully I hope, to drill down to the logic of

the relationship.

I’m hoping that the criterion was “that it gives the person

ample time to contribute and then join the Health Care for the new country of

residence” which is now not the case.

Any help with this quest will be appreciated.

I’m certainly not trying to spoil it for the few that will

consider coming here in the future, unless they are very wealthy, 63 years old

or perhaps foolhardy

Regards Joshua[:D]

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[quote user="Joshua"]

I’m certainly not trying to spoil it for the few that will consider coming here in the future, unless they are very wealthy, 63 years old or perhaps foolhardy

Regards Joshua[:D]



I fall into none of your categories above. I am still considering spending a lot more of my time in France in the future. Thanks for your meaningful consideration of my feelings and situation  (and that of those like me - whom you have assumed are "few" therefore don't matter) in your efforts to ensure that you are all right. 

I have the utmost sympathy and concern for those trying to extricate themselves from the potentially impossible, probably costly situation they're going to find themselves in. I am nevertheless appalled, sometimes, that people don't think about some of the wider implications of what they're doing, so busy are they trying to make sure "they" are given due consideration.

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Sorry Betty,

It came across all wrong, now that I read it again.

Thats the problem with responding to one person ( should have emailed Owen )

I wouldn't do anything to spoil anyone's dream. If I thought for one minute it might I would stop.

Its not about proving I'm right.

I'll go and boil my head


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