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The Jeremy Vine Show from Paris, on Thursday 15th November

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Hello Makfai,

I agree with your sentiments but you seem to think that journalists are there to tell the truth rather than spin out a good yarn.

A Jeremy Vine programme was due to be broadcast on 10 October. The producer had a very long telephone conversation with me a week before basically digging for background information. And of course I mentioned these various anomalies. I agreed to be interviewed on the programme. It did not, of course, happen.

I received a phone call from the producer a couple of hours after the programme had finished saying that the item had been withdrawn for editorial reasons. She did mention the planned broadcast from Paris today but I was not invited to participate. The expert was a UK based GP giving her opinion of the French health system (and a pretty sloppy presentation it was in my view).

As I say, most of the media do not want to let accurancy get in the way of a good story.



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Whilst I agree with you, Owen (I worked in PR for years so I get the point, precisely!), I see no reason not to complain - it probably won't do any good but it does no harm and you never know...  In fact, I think the discrimination makes a much better story than just the "across the board" withdrawal of healthcare to all early-retirees in France impression which the programme gave though - especially for the British press - but that is just my opinion, of course.
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[quote user="Owen"]Hello Makfai, I agree with your sentiments but you seem to think that journalists are there to tell the truth rather than spin out a good yarn. A Jeremy Vine programme was due to be broadcast on 10 October. The producer had a very long telephone conversation with me a week before basically digging for background information. And of course I mentioned these various anomalies. I agreed to be interviewed on the programme. It did not, of course, happen. I received a phone call from the producer a couple of hours after the programme had finished saying that the item had been withdrawn for editorial reasons. She did mention the planned broadcast from Paris today but I was not invited to participate. The expert was a UK based GP giving her opinion of the French health system (and a pretty sloppy presentation it was in my view). As I say, most of the media do not want to let accurancy get in the way of a good story. Regards Owen pjowen@expathealthdirect.co.uk



I am not naive in my view of journalists or doctors but I have bo hesitation in challenging them if they are wrong.  I am not sure where the UK doctor operates from but she claimed that GP surgeries in UK were now equipped to deal with blood tests (almost while you wait!). I certainly don't see that as being UK wide.  I also know of many French doctors who have a receptionist...another generalisation she got wrong.  It us up to the French doctor what he/she does with his  profits and of they contract out the booking system that is their choice.  I thought she painted a distorted picture all round!

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She was certainly ill-informed and talked about her own experience as though it were country wide.  In fact when I phone my doctor, she always answers in person.

Makfai is right - there is a complaints procedure and occasionally it is worth using - even a mention of the fact that this was so glaringly wrong headed would be worth the effort of a few (BETTER STILL LOADS OF) e-mails.

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Jeremy - gutted! Official complaint to BBC as below.

Jeremy Vine's programme from Paris today mislead listeners on several counts. With regard to French GP practice, from our own experience in various regions of France we know that Sarah Jarvis's information was incorrect. GPs do have receptionists in most areas outside central Paris, and it is possible to make appointments. Furthermore her false account implied that the recent changes to healthcare in France would lead to early retired French citizens being denied state healthcare in the same way that early retired British expats living in France will be. This was ill informed and imbalanced journalism of the worst kind. We know the production assistants and researchers had been fully advised of the current circumstances by those directly affected in France over the last few weeks, but they have apparently chosen to ignore the urgency of what is now a critical situation and simply ignore the facts. We have previously respected Jeremy Vine's professionalism and believed in his and the production team's integrity, but have been thouroughly disgusted at the way he has today glossed over a potentially life threatening situation created by undeniably inhumane actions of the French Government. These are currently being investigated by the EU Commission and the Minister for Europe Jim Murphy who was in talks today with the French Health Minister in an attempt to resolve the issue.


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I have just received a telephone call from Philip Jones who is the Editor of the Jeremy Vine programme. He has just returned to UK and has been briefed on the reaction to the programme.

He will look at the complaints and see what can be done. He is (without making a firm promise) going to see if it is practical to dedicate a more in-depth feature on this in the near future (possibly next week). I have explained that there are people better placed than I am (e.g. Deb, whose name I gave him) to act as contact for any future piece but agreed that he should feel free to contact me if I could be of any help.

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A slight aside but these TV stations with all their lawyers, HR depts., etc. seem very bad at selecting people who know what they are doing.  Sounds like this Dr they got was way out of his depth (I did not get to hear the program); and there was the Dog Woman (the one who does not know when enough is enough with lipstick) who had no idea about what can be done for dogs in the UK and told the owners to have the dog put to death as it was too much trouble.  Recently we have the "expert" telling people how to bring up their kids and most of the children's charities have complained about how she is totally out of date and presenting ideas rejected long ago.  Then there was that diet woman who went around smelling people's poo - claimed she had a PhD and called herself Dr. <cannot remember the name> and it then turned out her PhD was from one of those places you buy your qualifications from in the US and so she has stopped using the Dr. title.

Strange that they go to so much trouble in some areas and then take anybody off the street to be the "expert" needed for their program.

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I only heard the first hour of the programme and I could not believe the "pink and fluffy" stuff I was hearing [:@]  I was particularly surprised by the person who said she had never seen any graffiti and also the one who left her house and car unlocked because there was no crime!  Isn't the BBC supposed to have "balance"?
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[quote user="Thibault"]...the person who said she had never seen any graffiti and also the one who left her house and car unlocked because there was no crime...[/quote]

It wasn't that long ago that such comments were common on this forum and those of us who suggested otherwise were strongly disbelieved. In fact there are still plenty of British in France who believe the above and other rural myths. So the BBC is only a year or so behind the 'authoritative' sources.

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Thanks to Makfai and others - the Jeremy Vine show has realised the error of its ways and will be broadcasting again on the subject of our healthcare towards the end of the week.  [:D]  [B][B]

They would like volunteers to speak live on the show - in particular those who are affected by the changes.  If you are willing to do this, please e-mail or pm me.

We need your help - having got this far it would be a pity to lose such a great opportunity.

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