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Looks like decisions have been made, Goodbye CMU.

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We just received a letter from the L'Assurance Maladie as expected.  essentially it says,


Get your own insurance after 31st March 2008.


give us back our cards.



you have a right of appeal to Monsieur le president de la commission de Recours Amiable.



and just to say goodbye in a nice way they have enclosed an invoice for cotisation for the period 1st october to 31st march 2008.



No mention of the 5 year rule, no mention of exemptions for pre existing conditions, no mention of people in the system at 30Th sept 2007 can stay.




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Goodness ams, Sunday Driver has gone through this several times - the local offices can only do what they have been told and this is why you have got your letter. We know that the powers that be will be sending out new instructions to local offices, confirming the 5 year rule but they haven't done it yet, perhaps they are making other alterations to the document - when those letters are received in the office you deal with, if you have been in France 5 years you should be able to affiliate again. If indeed your affiliation has come to an end at that point.

This is my understanding - some one else may know differently.

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Stephanie Guillard (or whatever she's called) the spokeswoman for French Social Services has been quoted several times as saying that the "circulaire" that will tell the CPAM offices how to interpret the new rules has not yet been sent.  It has been delayed pending negotiations.  Until it is sent out, the CPAM offices can only act on the information that they currently have.

When the circulaire is eventually published and circulated, it will appear here ... http://www.mediam.ext.cnamts.fr/cgi-ameli/aurweb/ACIRCC/LISTE?&TYPRECH=MULTI

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From said Stehanie TODAY

Les choses ont bien avancé et nous sommes maintenant dans la dernière ligne droite. Nous espérons pouvoir publier le texte rapidement. N'hésitez pas à consulter régulièrement notre site www.securite-sociale.fr



Stéphanie Gaillard


Things are well advanced and we are now on the home straight. We hope to be able to publish the text shortly. 
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Not here 5 years. arrved June 2004, so just another 1.5 years to go. I contacted the CPAM office and was told that they have not received any information about the 5 year rule or any other information. Surely at this stage they would have heard something.



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See my post above ams.  The new instruction WILL BE ISSUED RAPIDEMENT! (ie IT IS NOT AVAILABLE TO THE CPAMS YET!) It may also include relief for those already paying into the CMU, as well as perhaps some relief for those with chronic conditions so do not commit to paying large sums of money to insurance companies until the statement is issued.  It's tough, but we must wait another few days before jumping off the bandwagon.  And we most certainly must not give up!
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We have just had news that a correspondant to our website, who had received the standard CMU rejection letter, appealed to their CPAM on the basis of the five year rule, using the appeal letter on our site.  They have just been told that the first letter has been "annule" and have had their cover extended ""sur critère de residence"!  DO NOT GIVE UP PEOPLE.
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I notice that the example CPAM letter quotes an EU directive as the basis for the appeal.  Given that CPAM procedures are based on French national law rather than an EU directive which has no legal basis here, I would have thought that quoting the actual French law confirming the five year rule would have been more relevant.  Getting a result based on the exisiting French legislation sets a stronger precedent.




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