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If the changes to the healthcare cover go ahead, my wife and I will lose our Carte Vitale at the end of March. However, since we moved to France in July 2003, in July 2008 we will have been resident here for five years. Does the new law apply to those who have been here for 5+ years? I have been told that it doesn't and that those residents will be able to retain their cover. If this is the case, would I need to take private insurance for just 4 months and then rejoin the CMU system, starting to pay my cotisations again?
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The 5 year rule should apply but local CPAMs have not been told this and therefore for the moment most continue to ignore it and say that it does not exist!  However, the social security department have promised us that a new set of rules will be published to CPAMs rapidement (their word).  This should clarify the 5 year rule to local departments, but we have not had that confirmed in spite of continuous contact with various French government departments.  Sadly, and frustratingly, we are in a terrible haitus period when we must wait and see.  However,it is advisable to keep pushing your local offices on this point as two people whom we know of have been accepted into the CMU by virtue of their residence.  They do, however, have titres de sejour - so you should begin the process to get one yourself, if you have not done so already.  We have published some template letters for you to use to contest the decision, if you have had your rejection letter.

Keep an eye on our website (below) and we will post the news as soon as we have it.

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This report dated 23/11 states that a 'British Embassy spokeswomen' CONFIRMED the five year ruling.[:D][:D][:D]


Quote: "However, this confirmation has yet to filter down to CPAM offices around the country so there is still an unclear situation at a local level"


Also, a further report re: Pats case!




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I'm a bit confused by the 'five year rule'.  If I read it correctly, it means that you don't have to prove that you're not a burden on the state / prove you have private health coverage, but does it mean that you are eligible to (re)join/remain in the CMU?

We have been here over five years and I have worked part time for the last 3.  My only concern is if my level of pay is enough to remain qualified for my CV (has been so far).  If not then we would come under the five year rule - bringing me back to the above question.

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I am sorry but I would not believe any report that comes out of the British Embassy untill it has been confirmed by the French Authorities. In the past they have not been known for the accuracy of the information that they have published. They were the ones who were insisting the changes dod not apply to existing residents when they were first announced!
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