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I will probably not be affected by the changes in health care however I have not buried my head in the sand . I have given advice and  participated in the lobbying signing the petition,emailed my MEP,s spoken to Jim Murphy. Not like your good self . I do not whinge ,I take an active part in discussions on this forum


PS For the uneducated

Boiling a Frog is the title of a book by Christopher Brookmyre,nothing to do with France or French.

The Boiling Frog story has some relevance to the situation we find ourself in

The boiling frog story states that a frog can be boiled alive if the water is heated slowly enough — it is said that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will never jump out.

The story is generally told in a figurative context, with the upshot being that people should make themselves aware of gradual change lest they suffer a catastrophic loss. Often it is used to illustrate a slippery-slope argument. For example, many civil libertarians argue that even minor increases in government authority, which may seem less noteworthy, make future increases in that authority more likely: what would once have seemed a huge power grab, the argument goes, now becomes seen as just another incremental increase, and thus appears more palatable. In the boiling-frog allegory, the frog represents the citizenry, whilst the gradual heating of the water represents the incremental encroachment of government


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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]

I will probably not be affected by the changes in health care however I have not buried my head in the sand . I have given advice and  participated in the lobbying signing the petition,emailed my MEP,s spoken to Jim Murphy. Not like your good self . I do not whinge ,I take an active part in discussions on this forum


PS For the uneducated[/quote]

What a warm glow you must feel in the mornings when you get dressed. Another day another opportunity to educate the uneducated.How you must love forums, where you can give advice to people.

Brits who have chosen to live in France have turned their backs on the UK usually for fiscal reasons,so why should the UK government contribute to their healthcare. The ones who are generally affected are of an age when they will increasingly be a burden on the French health system. A system they have made very little contribution to, so why should the French be expected to pay.

I'm afraid that despite the education I still think your forum name is offensive on a French forum, and you can now add patronising to offensive in my views of your postings.

I have resisted the urge to insert emoticons as these obviously upset you too. 

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So now you are showing your true colours

Brits who have chosen to live in France have turned their backs on the UK usually for fiscal reasons,so why should the UK government contribute to their healthcare. The ones who are generally affected are of an age when they will increasingly be a burden on the French health system. A system they have made very little contribution to, so why should the French be expected to pay.

It is now obvious that you do not give a damn about anyone except yourself .


I really do not give a stuff what you think about my forum name


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WB the pacifist here (have you ever noticed the final four letters of that word?). Look guys, it doesnt matter in the scheme of things really it doesnt. Pimpernel maybe you were a bit too short in your responses and maybe the Boiled Toad was rather too abrupt. I can understand both approaches. And I was really interested to learn that stuff about frogs and rather like the image which I had never heard before. It is powerful, clear and useful fo I shall take it unto my stock phrases and use it unattributed.

Just one point Pimpernel: any major change to a system such as health requires much more time and consideration that the French have given to this one. It has rather been dumped on people from a great height, so perhaps the thing should have been managed over say a one year period and thought through better.

Mr Hot Toad, I appreciate the efforts that people are putting into the 'cause of health' but you only have to look at Dawn Primarolo's response to see that she doesn't give a toss about anything beyond her own very narrow briefs.

One thing though: I pay tax in France and would therefore expect to participate in the system. And I would not expect there to be active discrimination against certain types of business, particularly the hospitality industry when it comes to eligibility for health care. These are things that need to be sorted.

And yes I am from the West Country and am stuffed by the changes, but have made my plans accordingly which do not mean leaving France in a hurry showing my drawers in panic.

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I'm sorry, when did I show any false colours.?   As it happens I do give a damn about a great many things and if anyone out there cares enough about me they are quite free to send any contributions to my social charges to me.


It is obvious that you do not mind being offensive in either your forum name or postings and I think this says more about you than all the help, support and advice you give to others.


As this thread is starting to get personal between the two of us. Not started by me ,but by your response to my original post. I will refrain from posting any more on it and leave it to you to have the last word. Good luck with all the help ,advice and lobbying.

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Sorry WB I was typing while you were posting.[:)] (hope the smiley doesn't offend you) You are quite right,it is an ill thought out and in my eyes unfair piece of legislation and I really do feel sorry for anyone that is badly affected by it. My initial post was merely to point out that although I am from the westcountry and will be affected by the proposed changes there would be no point in my contributing to any newspaper articles as I didn't have enough knowledge on the subject. When the poster with the offensive name chose to attack me because of this ,I was slightly taken aback and I got angry.

The fact still remains we are not French nationals and anyone that moved here hoping to bring the british  systems with them is always going to be on to a loser. It could have been worse ,there could have been another revolution and we could all be under the guillotine now. If the far right had come to power ,which is not unthinkable, then things could be far worse indeed.

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[quote user="knee gel"]Oxton, just outside Kenton.........[/quote]

Ahh knee Gel... that'll be the wrong side of the river for me... I lived east of Exeter between Whimple and Killerton.  OH however is a Kingsteignton boy... so it is his side of the river!  So he knows where you were!  I know Kenton of course, been through it many times on the way to the coast... my dad used to moor his boat at Starcross so almost every weekend in the summer we'd be down there!  Very very pretty part of the world! 

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