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I do hope that all of you, like us, with E 106 s about to expire can enjoy your New Years Eve parties tonight, and worry about the 5th tomorrow.  A heartfelt wish that you have better luck for the future.

And best wishes for all those who helped in the good fight, may the new year bring fresh cheer, and you great fortune.[:D]

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And a Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you, from all of us at FHI.

We discovered in the CPAM circular that the reason given for exising CMU subscribers being allowed to stay in is:

 En effet, en ce qui concerne les ressortissants communautaires qui, en contradiction avec le droit en vigueur, ont bénéficié de la CMU de base à un moment où la question de la régularité de leur séjour était considérée comme a priori résolue, revenir sur cette affiliation reviendrait à remettre en cause un droit au séjour qui leur a été de facto reconnu.(Indeed, as regards nationals who, contrary to the legislation in force, have benefited from access to basic CMU at a time when the matter of the legality of their stay was seen as pre-agreed, any refusal to continue their affiliation is tantamount to a challenge to their already-recognised right to reside.) 

We reckon that the same applies to E106 holders don't you?  We have plenty of ammunition left in our armoury!

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