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So what happens now?

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Having lived here nearly seven years and been members of CPAM for all of that time - intially thru an E106 and by paying contributions when it expired - my husband and I would seem to fall into the lucky group who will be allowed to stay in.

Does anyone know what we are supposed to do? Do we need to reapply or appeal the 'chucking out' letter or will we all simply be re-instated? One would assume that CPAM's records will show who is entitled to continuing cover, or is that too much too hope?!

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It sounds as though you would be in the CMU and not CPAM after 7 years - I assume you are not working and below UK state retirement age? 

Don't confuse the two regimes... CPAM is the primary caisse who administer health care for workers and people on E106s (among others), and you can affiliate directly to CPAM if you fall into one of these categories. They also administer the CMU which is the couverture maladie universelle for those who, like 'inactifs' have no other rights of affiliation, and you can affiliate directly to the CMU. This is probably what you would have affiliated to after your CPAM cover finished when your E106 expired.

If you were already in the CMU as at 23rd November 2007 you will be allowed to stay in. They haven't actually said this, but I would think you should not need to do anything to stay in unless your local CPAM contact you.

If you are indeed in CPAM you will not be allowed to join the CMU without proving your 5 year residence. According to the ameli.fr website you will need to fill in an application form to join - it is not automatic.

Hope this helps.

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Just to clarify some of the terminology here....

CPAM is not something you are 'in'.  It is actually the state insurance bureau which manages the general health fund for workers (régime générale) and the CMU fund for non workers.

When the OP intially registered under his E106, his CPAM will have put him in the general fund.  When the E106 expired, they will have transfered him to the CMU fund.  As he was in the CMU fund as at 23 November, then his cover will continue on that basis. His CPAM will now review his CMU file and issue an updated attestation before 31 March.  His carte vitale will remain active during this time.



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Did you get a "chucking out" letter then, B?  We have just prepared a letter for those who've had the letter under the old rules but who are "in" under the new rules as existing CMU contributors.  It should be put up on our site before close of play tonight. We have no idea whether CPAMs will automatically re-assess those who were sent letters and tell them that they can now remain in - so as a "belt and brace" job we suggest you reapply, rather than just assuming that all will be well.


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We are moving from E106 to having cover through our new business. We will be affiliated through RSI. Do they replace the CPAM for us? Where does MUTI (mutuelle interprofessionnelle de Basse Normandie) come into the arrangements? It says that the latter will be charged with taking our contributions and reimbursing us - who should we chase for the new Cartes Vitales? Would be very grateful for info from anyone who knows how this all works in practice.



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Thanks everyone for your comments and advice.

My 'slip on the key board' we are indeed with CMU. I'm not bothered whether we are, in, affiliated to, or a member of , I just want to make sure we stay there!

Look forward to the letter being prepared by FHI which I will send off straight away as I don't trust them to automatically re-assess everyone and think the 'belt and braces' approach is much safer.

Happy New Year to everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We visited our CPAM office in Saintes(17) today to see "What happens

next". We have lived here for nine years and have been "in" the CMU

since our two year E106 ran out in 2001. We had received the 31.03.08

letter Mid november.

The lady we saw, we have dealt with before and she knew all about the

23rd November amendments to the directive and said that they would be

writing to all concerned  in the near future. She didn't know how long

this would take apart from it would be well before 31st March. My guess

is that it took them 6 weeks from Oct 1st to write to us re 31st March

so I guess it will be 6 weeks from the date of the  confirmed amendment

plus the obligatory quinze jours.Mid Feb at a guess.

Sort of peace of mind for a while

Steve & Anne
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Thanks Steve.  The CPAMs are giving very different messages, from place to place.  I've not heard a dicky bird from mine yet!  It is comforting to know that the message is getting through in places.  Personally, I'd far rather they concentrated on the E106 expirees and left people like thee and me for a month or two, as the existing CMU payees are probably fairly straight forward to deal with in comparison with the other poor soles who are now in limbo.
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[quote user="cooperlola"]Thanks Steve.  The CPAMs are giving very different messages, from place to place.  I've not heard a dicky bird from mine yet!  It is comforting to know that the message is getting through in places.  Personally, I'd far rather they concentrated on the E106 expirees and left people like thee and me for a month or two, as the existing CMU payees are probably fairly straight forward to deal with in comparison with the other poor soles who are now in limbo.[/quote]

Not only are my shoes in limbo but so is the rest of me [geek]

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