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Jim Murphy wakes up again!

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I have just posted this


The EU Directive was issued in 2004 and was discussed long before that. With this in mind, if you were an E106 holder would you be satisfied that the UK gave you the information it should when it provided you with your E106 and afterwards? Do you feel that the UK had a responsibility to tell E106 holders- as British Citizens - more?  Did the DWP; FCO; and British Embassy exercise their duty of care toward the E106 holders?

On 11 September 2007 the British Embassy said this

For info, reassurance from the Health Ministry that the tightening of rules on healthcare provision will not be retrospective, so early retiree Brits already residing in France will be unaffected - they can continue to access healthcare.

But the rules are different for newcomers - they will need medical cover pre-arrival (eg through the E106 form or if they don't qualify, then private insurance) and to cover any gap between the expiry of their E106 form and the time they turn retirement age.

Full details communicated to DH/DWP/FCO below.

That info - issued 3 years after the EU Directive was issued - was wrong,

Article 34 of EU Directive 2004/38EC required member states to disseminate information concerning the rights and obligations of Union citizens and their family members on the subjects covered by this Directive. Do E106 holders feel that they received sufficient and accurate information in a timely fashion from the French AND British Governments?

Article 34


Member States shall disseminate information concerning the rights and obligations of Union citizens and their family members on the subjects covered by this Directive, particularly by means of awareness-raising campaigns conducted through national and local media and other means of communication.

If, as an E106 holder, you do feel aggrieved then I suggest that you consider making a formal complaint in the first instance to the British and French Departments you feel let you down and if you receive an unsatisfactory reply then consider writing to the national ombudsman.

You can make these complaints prior to and in addition to submitting any appeals you may be considering to the French and British authorities.

This chap felt aggrieved and took it to the UK Ombudsman and won

We will have to see what he says in reply.......[+o(]

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He may have woken-up but he (and FCO) are still doing nothing - just waiting for the French government.  They seem to have no intention about putting on any pressure for (ex) E106 holders.  Its all just they will let us know what the French say.

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Sorry Coops but I really disagree. I do not believe that the great Jim has done anything at all to help us.

I think he had a jolly in Paris last year (on a Friday...did he stay the weekend?)  and got briefed that all was Ok .

Since then ...nothing.

Where is his plan to help us ?  What is he saying to give anyone hope that he actually understands the problem, let alone  is following an action plan (actions, timescales, outcomes etc - see previous post by Thomas on Murphy's blog).

I think that punchy letters to the EU , based on your templates, have forced legal changes to the plan, but that maybe nothing has changed to la principe. This is what it looks like. it seems that nothing has changed in practice,  despite political announcements.

Do not count on Murphy or the Uk Government for any proactive help at all, in my view.

We await the next crisis in March.......

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about 5 days ago I put a note on Jim's blog site but it has not appeared.  There looks to be some dates missing,  My internet speed is 38mb and often timed out so I use the internet less often these days.  Sometimes a posting on this forum takes several attempts.

Am I looking in the wrong place for all the postings.


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I understand everybody's cinicism, I really do.  But believe me when I tell you that the Embassy staff in Paris have, and continue to, put our case.  Mr Murphy is their boss.  Things really are moving on that front, and we know  that the pressure being put upon them, and the cases being mentioned on the blog have - at least in part -helped to keep them on the ball, and keep them on the case.

Please believe me when I tell you that these posts have more of an effect than you might imagine.  SO DO NOT IGNORE this line of attack.

Sunshine : this may be because there are now several links on the subject on this blog.  I'll have a quick look around.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I understand everybody's cinicism, I really do.  But believe me when I tell you that the Embassy staff in Paris have, and continue to, put our case.


But is that the "case" for the French to start getting the regions to implement the new rules or the case for expired E106's being allowed to join the CMU (healthy or otherwise).  Every contact I have had with the British Embassy has shown that they are waiting for the French to clarify their updated rules(and they have been checking and getting back - so not just a "we are doing everything" response).  Nothing about putting any pressure (or even mild suggestions) for those who will continue to be excluded.

I should clarify it is a question NOT a comment.  I am sure you have far better contacts than I do at the Embassy.


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Ian, we have spoken on occasions to the lady at the Embassy who takes the meetings with the French health department.  Another is due shortly.  No they are not "hanging around waiting".  The problem remains one of the administrators not implementing the health department's decisions so to that extent the current hiatus is due to internal bureaucratic problems, not a lack of pressure from the Embassy end - quite the opposite in fact.  This is why the Embassy continues to say that they are waiting for the French - because so are the French (if you get my drift!)  The health department is as frustrated as anybody else - well, not as much as those who are in limbo, I grant you.

I'm about to post some more news elsewhere, which confirms that much is still going on....


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