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Facing the firing squad

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It was our turn to face the firing squad (CPAM) today

Armed with every document we could think of we sat across

the table

from the Lady who likes to say NO.

NO to affiliation to CMU for anyone with an expiring E106,

under any circumstances

What about affliction long duration, NO

What about a letter from the Doctor confirming Epilepsy NO

What about proof that we can’t get comprehensive insurance NO

What about a letter from the Mayor saying we have settled

here NO

What about if I promise to be a good boy NO

The only glimmer of hope was that we were told that the

regulations may still change soon. We are not complaining about the way we were

treated because all the NO’s came with a big smile. You can’t blame the front

line staff, they are just doing their job.

Joshua ( still managing a smile )

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I'm sure it's no comfort to know that you are far from alone....

I hope the authorities get their fingers out soon.  We are speaking to the Embassy today, and still doing all we can.  We had hoped to be moving on to tackling the whole business of the legality of the legislation, whereas in fact we are still in the mire of trying to persuade the health department to get its own rules in place!  Humph.

Bon courage, and please keep us and the high-ups in authority posted about what is happening to you:


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[quote user="Joshua"]


The only glimmer of hope was that we were told that the regulations may still change soon. 


Joshua, have you thought about completing an application to join the CMU and sending it (with proof of posting and receipt required).  You will most likely get a rejection as we did yesterday but you will have proof of this for the future.  Also as you appear to have stronger grounds that us for joining ie a chronic illness, you could then send in an appeal letter, maybe using one of the ones on the French Health Issues website.  At least you should then be in the queue for appeals when the regulations finally filter through.

I did my own appeal letter at the same time that I sent off my application, but that was because other than a minor exisiting illness I felt that I needed to use other arguments to make my case.  I used the google website to help with translation along with some of the points in the letters on the FHI website.   I received a standard rejection but the guy who dealt with it had attached a compliment slip to a copy of my accompanying letter stating that should I wish to appeal on the grounds that I had stated I could do so by sending back the letter within the next two months. 

I am unsure whether to take it any further at the moment as I don't want to "muddy the water" for those who's medical conditions mean that they really need to have their cases heard asap.  But at least I have my official refusual and proof that I have applied should anything change in the future.


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[quote user="Joshua"]

from the Lady who likes to say NO.

NO to affiliation to CMU for anyone with an expiring E106,

under any circumstances



In my case add to that

"And you are not allowed to take out private insurance".

So now I'm not allowed to be covered by CPAM/CMU/E106 and not allowed to pay for Private Insurance either.


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CLEISS have certainly advised us that you should follow the appeals procedures to their conclusion.  Westland gives good advice here, imo.

Whilst I do apreciate that for those who are not in a life-threatening situation, it is difficult if one feels one is "tying up" CPAMs with appeals for those whose cases are not so critical, it is important - from the point of view of bringing the situation to everybody's attention if nothing else - not to allow the authorities to forget you.  At the very least, please let CLEISS and CNAM know what is going on.

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I must admit I did think about the more urgent cases that

need attention.

Epilepsy is a bitch, but with the right medication, it can

be controlled, most of the time.

The Lady at CPAM acknowledged there were lots of people who had been turned away so far. I guess some of them with major issues.

Thanks for all the advise. You lot inspire me !


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Don't take this the wrong way, Joshua, I am not being flippant, but can't you not take your medication and arrange to have an attack in the middle of the CPAM office?  There are days when I think that unless the consequences of what are going on become truly visible, the ostriches will continue to keep their heads firmly planted in the sand.
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No that’s fine. I know your intentions are right. Desperate times call for radical measures

If only it was me with the epilepsy.

Its my good lady wife and she has a severity of seizure that

could end up killing her

She always needs hospital treatment afterwards, for at least

a few days

So its a no in this case

Luckily with the medication she is now on and with taking the

right care full blown seizures are few and far between.

I am confident that we ( thats everyone involved ) will find a way.


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The current/new rules prevent E106 holders from being affiliated to CMU, so you were always going to receive a refusal, albeit with a smile. 

The recent DSS circular states that people holding E106s (therefore excluded from CMU) may apply for aide medicale de l'état, so play the rules and apply for that. 

The benefit of doing that is that whilst you apply through your CPAM, your application must go to the Minister for approval - and as she's the one who issued the instruction, it will be difficult for her to refuse....[;-)]




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Yes SD it was what we expected to happen but somehow we felt we needed to see someone face to face and hear it from " the horses mouth"

We didn't leave the CPAM offices upset , just saddened to think we had done everything according to French law, as it was, and now this !

Thanks for the advice. Spot on as usual.


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[quote user="Deimos"]

In my case add to that
"And you are not allowed to take out private insurance".

So now I'm not allowed to be covered by CPAM/CMU/E106 and not allowed to pay for Private Insurance either.


Our refusal letter actually stated "Je vous invite à étudier votre protection sociale avec une assurance privée".  

Also, in case anyone is interested in sending an appeal,  "Le Secretariat de la Commission de Recours Amiable" at the relevant CPAM was given as the person to whom we should send our letter.

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