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Any economically inactive EU citizens legally resident on or before 23/11/07 will be allowed to join CMU,whether on an E106, or paying in.


More news shortly, please see the website which will carry the details soon.

In spite of what we may have been thinking, huge thanks are due to the Europe minister and especially, Sir Peter Westmacott and the Embassy staff in Paris who have been working their socks of on this, although it might not have been evident in the last fortnight, as they did not want the minister to change her mind by jumping the gun before she had agreed to the changes we were asking for and had signed up.

Sorry everybody was kept in suspense for so long but it was worth it in the end![:D][:D][:D]

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This changes very little surely.

People already paying in were never affected, and I think it only concerns British people.

Let's hope that there will now be a revision of the levels of payment to bring them to a realistic level, and help pay for the care of those who really need the CMU; those on the CMU complementaire.

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excellent news for those with existing illnesses and i appreciate it is hot off the press but, does this mean it is compulsory to join the cmu or are we allowed to still get private insurance ?


sitting here with a crushed hand after a tree cutting accident yesterday so typing is a bit tricky
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[quote user="cooperlola"]

As PHI is open to new residents, I imagine you will be able to do either, but I'll find out.  Have to rush out sadly, but keep an eye on the website.

Mods : I've been having PC trouble and this has multiple posted - sorry!


in relation to all the work you and others have been doing and the important questions related to the announcement my thought is trivial and should be at the bottom of the pile.


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Fantastic news!

Enormous thanks to 'The Team' and special praise for the leadership Coops has displayed, and of course to Mary Honeyball et al who gave us hope very early on. History has shown once again, that so many owe so much to 'The Few'.

Looking forward to getting that little green card back......

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[quote user="Clair"]Can someone from FHI give us an update on Mr K.A., whose cancer treatment had to be stopped at the beginning of January?
[/quote]I have been in regular contact with them and broke the news to them as soon as I knew.  Happily their consultant has been in regular contact with their CPAM and had already said that he would treat Keith, come what may, even though even he was being refused any leaway on their behalf.

They are, as you might imagine, ecstatic, and are looking forward to a happy outcome. Keith's tests were very positive the other day and he is clear of the big C so it's champers all round in that quarter!


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[quote user="cooperlola"]


Any economically inactive EU citizens legally resident on or before 23/11/07 will be allowed to join CMU,whether on an E106, or paying in.


More news shortly, please see the website which will carry the details soon.

In spite of what we may have been thinking, huge thanks are due to the Europe minister and especially, Sir Peter Westmacott and the Embassy staff in Paris who have been working their socks of on this, although it might not have been evident in the last fortnight, as they did not want the minister to change her mind by jumping the gun before she had agreed to the changes we were asking for and had signed up.

Sorry everybody was kept in suspense for so long but it was worth it in the end![:D][:D][:D]


From Jim Murphy:


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The minister's letter : (I'll put the original version up in a sec').  Thanks Clair.

[quote]Paris, 23rd January 2008

Dear Mr Ambassador,

You have kindly brought to my attention the concerns expressed by numerous British citizens who have chosen to reside in France as part of their early retirement and who are currently CMU-b beneficiaries.

Their concerns are caused by Directive 2004/38/CE dated 24 April 2004, relative to the freedom of movement and residence of European citizens within the EU, and its transposition into French legislation.

If this directive provides that freedom of movement and residence is the rule for European Community citizens who are no longer subject to the obligation to hold a residence permit, the right of residence of those who are inactive is nevertheless conditional on the possession of health insurance and sufficient resources, so as not to be a burden on the host state.

This new legal framework led the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés (CNAMTS), at the time of the annual re-examination of rights to CMU, to reconsider the situation of all inactive EU nationals CMU beneficiaries already present in the country, regardless their nationality.

However, we have considered your argument that refusing inactive EU nationals CMU affiliation when they already benefit from it, would jeopardise a right to reside, which has been de facto recognised, even if that was done incorrectly. This political and legal assessment would certainly be shared by EU institutions.

Therefore, it is in this context and for this reason that I have asked the director of the Sécurité Sociale to disseminate by way of a circular, instructions for the implementation of the new legislation in order firstly, to maintain the rights of access to CMU-b for EU nationals who were already affiliated on 23rd November 2007, date of entry into force of the circular, and provide access to CMU-b to inactive EU nationals benefiting from an E106 at the same date, and secondly, to ensure the implementation of the directive for EU nationals residing in France who do not benefit from the CMU and those who would settle in France in the future.

Hoping that this has responded to your concerns, please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin

Minister for Health[/quote]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]I feel really sorry for the guy with the gall bladder problem too [:(][/quote]Me too.  I have been trying to contact him since I first read his posts to the blog but with no success, as I knew a little more than I was allowed to let on.  I hope he's OK.
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Oh fantastic news - we are legal!

Many many thanks to everyone and especially Deborah for her tireless and gutsy leadership and Clair for the on going translations. Our energy was beginning to fade but theirs (and the rest of their team) didn't.

Can't say enough thankyous.


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[quote user="Hoddy"]I am so pleased and relieved for those affected. I'm also rather proud that our very own Coops had a hand in it.

Well done ! [/quote]

Exactly my thoughts. [:D] In fact, I think Coops had an enormous hand in it though I know she'll say there were plenty of other people campaigning, writing, persuading, translating with her along the way... Clair [;-)]. Well done to those too. Succeeding in persuading the French Health Ministry to implement a big reverse in published policy... way to go, Coops... you'll definitely get into Heaven. [kiss][:D]

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If you knew me, you would know I could certainly not have produced a website!!  There really is a lot more to FHI than just me and if they are watching, I think the others should now step up to the plate - reveal themselves and take a bow.  They are a great bunch to work with.

Hey, and thank whoever for the internet - could a bunch of people who had never even met (and still haven't but we're going to do something about this) have achieved so much a few years ago? - I think not.

Thanks to you all from me personally anyway - you are all very kind[:$].  But I am a militant old bat and do not take much lying down!

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Cooperlola and Team

Words cannot express how grateful I am to everybody who has

helped to resolve this issue.

For many of us affected, directly and immediately, by this

law it has come as a huge relief.

We can move on with our life in


Proud to be British, lucky

enough to live in France.

Thank you sincerely


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Huge sighs of relief all round.

Congratulations to everyone who put in so much time and effort on behalf of us all but especially from we E106 holders.  It has been a very stressful time but at least we are now headed in the right direction.  The news coincided with a letter from CPAM saying our appeal had been passed to the Recours Amiable.  I wonder what the outcome will be now - I suppose it depends how fast fingers are extracted.

Well done FHI!!!!!!!!

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As a second home owner I'm not personally affected by this, but I'm still absolutely delighted for all who are. [:D] It must have been a very worrying time for many people and to have managed to get the original decision reversed is an outstanding achievement by all who have worked so hard for this.  Well done!


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