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Just getting my breath back!

I wanted to express once again, FHI's massive appreciation to all those of you who have helped - in however small a way - to achieve what has been done today.

Special thanks must go to Makfai for his fantastic work in sifting through the legislation, and pointing out the holes in the interpretation which was being put upon it.

To Clair for providing translations for us to put on this forum, often at very short notice.

To Keith and Dorothy Askew for agreeeing to allow journalists into their lives at the toughest of times for them - the personal angle they put on our story moved many, not least the politicians and officials working on our behalf.

To all those, too numerous to mention, who have fed us with important information, given us feedback on their sometimes tragic stories.

To Mary Honeyball and Bill Newton Dunn for bringing this to the attention of the European parliament and the British media.

To the LF forum moderators and administrators who allowed us to use the Forum to gather and disseminate so much information. To David Yeates at IFP for some useful info' and support, and the Charente Limousin Exchange for launching the petition in October.

Like an Oscar speech, I'm sure I've forgotten loads of people but you know who you are and can pat yourselves on the back.


We are sure that this will take a few more frustrating weeks before all the CPAMs catch up.  Please, those who are OK until 31st March - do allow local offices to deal with those in most need first.  We ask for your patience, we are sure the wheels will turn slowly, but that they definately will turn now.

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    Hi Coops

A big big thank you to you and everyone of the team that have fought to get the regulations changed for another overjoyed E106 holder.  It just shows what hardwork and continued lobbying can do.  We wish you all the best for the future and a healthy outlook for us all.

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I can not thank you enough for you all the hard work, information and  effort that you have done to resolve the health care issues so far.  I have read every posting and felt that I was not left in the dark when news was a little thin on the ground.  What can I say!.  If I could award you a medal the brightest star would not be bright enough.

I did not hold out much hope of being able to gain entry into the CMU. 

One thing I have learnt from this lesson in life, is to appreciate 'state healthcare', this is something I had taken for granted.  It has also meant that we re-appraised our postion in France and again, that has to be a good thing.  We never considered returning to the UK.

Thank you again to ALL the Teams efforts.  The blighty spirit is still strong!



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