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After several phone calls/visits to the CPAM we have finally received an attestation in the post.  However, although it states that my husband has "droits a compter du 03/03/2008" next to my name it states "a justifier".  Has anyone had a similar attestation (we are ex E106), or does anyone know if this means that as yet I am still not covered.  I am a bit concerned as I was no longer on my own E106 last year but had moved onto cover through his. Thanks Kate.
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I assume that your CPAM has the letter from the DWP which terminated your rights to an E106 in (presumably) '06.  Did you keep a copy?  I had the same thing, and explained this to them, and that they had had my letter x years ago.  Within a week, the confirmation that both of us were "in" arrived.  I was already in CMU so it's slightly different, but maybe this is what's happened?

As a CMU subscriber, you have "ayant droit" on the basis of your o/h's acceptance, but they need to be sure you're not entitled to any kind of E form.

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Thanks for the prompt reply cooperlola.  Yes I do have a copy so I'll go in again and take it with me in case this is what they need, I have also since noticed that on this attestation they have used my maiden name only so this may have caused more confusion.  Your mention of the ayant droit means that I can relax a little until I can get it sorted out.  Regards Kate.
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