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Health Care Insurance Providers

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I shall be more than happy to PM you.  The reason I did not give the details is because I think our situation is different from yours and the OP's.

My OH has an E121 (old age) and I am on it as his dependent.  Therefore ,our policy was just the usual top-up, not anything like the comprehensive stuff you are looking for.

All I wanted to tell the OP was that Exclusive does answer phone calls and that they do take card details over the phone.

If after knowing this, you still want the details, I will gladly PM or email. 

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I admit that I am confused and exasperated by all the information, misinformation, speculaton, individuals views etc etc etc. regarding the changes in French Healthcare. I accept that when my e106 expires Jan 08 I MAY have to have private health Insurance, or can I go Pay as you Go. No one seems to have the definitive answer. [8-)]

Apparently according to the rules of residency, and other forums one has to have fully comprehensive Health Cover, whatever that may mean....The French Insurance companies and other Insurance companies that I have recieved quotes from all offer differing levels of cover from simple Hospital Cover to all singing and dancing policies. So presumably they haven't a clue either.

Considering this has been on the drawing board since 2004 and implemented July 2007 will the powers that be ever bother to desiminate any bl00dy information so that at least we know what the hell to do. If not I will be forced to be an illegal in 6 weeks time, not that I'm bothered anyway because if they don't care why should I worry.

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From the BUPA website, about a private policy for British nationals in Spain:

Brought to you in partnership with our sister company Sanitas, this tailored private health plan provides comprehensive health insurance cover both in Spain and one other European country of your choice (including the UK), so that you feel well protected as you move from place to place.

So could you get insurance for France and Spain? Presumably you would need an address you could use in Spain?


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Thanks for the reply sweet 17, useful to hear that you have found them to be OK.  Since my previous posting I have managed to get some more information from their website and I will continue to try and get them on the 'phone.  Just about to cancel my mutuelle to be sure that I've done it within the 20 days from the renewal notice that we've just received, bit worried about changing things but it has to be done.  Good luck to everyone else out there who like us will be having to get things sorted  pdq. Hester.

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My husband and I need a good quality PHI if any one has one to recommend for 45-50 can you PM me.

Also remember that if the PHI company need copys of your medical details before an offer is made this can take some time, so bare this in mind.  If you are currant having investigations into a certain condition this may also delay the final quote, but do not delay still make as many applications as you can now. 

Some offers may have a limited time scale so check this out.

I personally will not take up any offer until the last minute allowing for the new legislation to be come clear.  But I will get the ball rolling.

Does any one know of someone taking up the cause of behalf of X military personnel Inactifs?



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Hi Sunshine

I am ex-RAF and "inactif" and as far as I am aware there is nobody taking up the cause for ex-military. This is probably because everybody is in the same boat regardless of their background.

There are many people living here in France who have served the UK government in some way or another and will have received pensions prior to their official age of retirement. These pensions are not classified as a state retirement pension and are therefore not recognised in terms of getting an E121.


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This contact might be of help to someone. We are fortunate we have  E121 and for a top up we just have hospitalization, ( it also includes x rays and blood test and many other things ) excellent service from this company.His correspondence is in English and he always has time to explain. MBK[:D]

Dear clients

Information for foreign people living in France and health cover

 A new European directive (march 2007) is going to change the way to benefit at the CMU (delivery by CPAM) for people resident in France.

The foreign and inactive people (without professional registration) and who don’t benefit the E106 or E121 form (as retired) will see our cover by CMU cancelled the 31st of March 2008 at least.

They must subscribe instead of a private cover with a new provider (Compagnie d’assurances) before the 1st of April 2008

It is an obligation to be permitted to stay and live on the French territory. 

As broker for several insurers, we could provide solutions for your health cover and send you some quotes

I f you are concerning by this case or if you have friends speaking about it, it will be a pleasure to make an offer.


If you need more information or for asking something, you can contact me by e-mail




Kind regards

agent general d’assurances

BP n ° 5

16 G rand rue


TEL :05 53 36 80 44

Fax : 05 53 36 95 92

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Lets hope the rumours about being able to stay in the system are true or we wont be able to afford insurance.  We have received ridiculous quote from British brokers (between £5000 and £8000) who seem to think we want hospital cover so we can go into a private hospital so they are not really up to speed with the French system.  We have now received a quote from our French top up insurer and they want 499 euros p.m. for CMU equivalent (ie 70% back) or 640 euros p.m. for 100% cover.  I know it wont be that price for other as I have diabetes and OH is 63 so that bumps up our premiums.  But still, it is a lot of money.
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We too have costed some insurers and have produced a comparison based on a 57 yr old couple with no pre-existing conditions paying monthly premiums.  Prices seem to range from 8000€ to 3500€ per annum per couple depending on level of cover. We looked at Secara (AGF via a Dutch association), AGF, April (from 3 sources), Exeter Friendly, ASFE and the Exclusive Healthcare Platine Plans.  While I cannot guarantee its accuracy or accept any liability for the content, I can e-mail a copy of the spreadsheet if anyone wants it.  Interestingly one of the companies appears not to require a medical declaration - I have queried this and they have confirmed it but I have not seen the small print of the policy.

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[quote user="Ninthace"]

We too have costed some insurers and have produced a comparison based on a 57 yr old couple with no pre-existing conditions paying monthly premiums.  Prices seem to range from 8000€ to 3500€ per annum per couple depending on level of cover. We looked at Secara (AGF via a Dutch association), AGF, April (from 3 sources), Exeter Friendly, ASFE and the Exclusive Healthcare Platine Plans.  While I cannot guarantee its accuracy or accept any liability for the content, I can e-mail a copy of the spreadsheet if anyone wants it.  Interestingly one of the companies appears not to require a medical declaration - I have queried this and they have confirmed it but I have not seen the small print of the policy.

[/quote]I think your spreadsheet sounds as though it would be very useful for our site, Ninthace, if you would be so kind...

I would be a little wary of not needing to fill in a medical declaration.  This does not mean that the company will cover pre-existing conditions - only that you do not need to specify them to get a policy.


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Have just posted the below on 106ers but it may have been better here..

And here is the Catch 22 of most PHI's

From a reputable insurer

Quote ' Benefits not payable for

Illnessses once they have been diagnosed as either chronic or terminal except where shown in the benefits scedule'

I am not cherry picking here but after having thoroughly read documents from PHI's it appears to me that once you have paid for 12 months PHI and during that time you are diagnosed with a chronic condition then the following year that condition will no longer be covered  under the PHI and any further treatment will be at your own expense.

Quote ' Benefits Schedule

'The list of chronic conditions is defined as a sickness, illness, disease or injury which has one or more of the following characteristics 1.recurrant in nature...2.is without a generally known cure...3.not generally deemed not to respond well to treatment...4.requires pallitive treatment...5.requires prolonged supervision or monitoring...5.leads to permanent disability.'

So why bother paying PHI because it appears to be only valid for one year and if anything happens during that period of cover the following years you are on your own

I am going to look for work after the New year but who will want to employ a 56 year old ex Gov. worker...Think I will become an illegal and hide in the cellar...[Www]

Unless someone has a cunning plan

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="cooperlola"]

[quote user="hester"]Please could you tell me where I can find the spreadsheet that Ninthace has done? Thanks, Hester.[/quote]

For technical reasons, we could not publish this on the site, but you can either e-mail me, or the site (or the good Ninthace!) and we'll forward it to you.



I confirm I am happy to oblige anyone who e-mails me.  Obviously I cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information, particularly the prices as some are 2008 and some are 2007.  People are advised to check out policies for themselves but the spreadsheet does provide a comparison of costs and benefits as a starting point.

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That is a good question.  The list of what should be covered is very comprehensive (for example - you have to be covered for the cost of contraceptives!!!)  For more info' see :


We will be building up this section on a regular basis.

You should note that the companies who have specialised in insurance for immigrants and expatriates in the past, seem to be more up to date with the requirements.  We have also heard that some insurers who provide limited cover have been told that they cannot be sold to people in our circumstances, as they do not comply with the regulations, so the specialist companies themselves should be able to help you out with this.  There are some agents based here whom I'm in touch with who are very helpful, if you would like pm me.

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I have just discovered, after visiting my GP with forms for him to complete, that some  phi's require a medical conducted by your GP, if you have a pre condition like diabetes, plus a blood test and an ECG. So if anyone is thinking of completing the application forms for Jan 08 now may be a prudent time. Me I do not return to France until the 4th Jan and the appointment for the ECG is not until the 18th Jan so I will not be covered for health, unless Debs and Co get some info on E106 holders.

Merrry Xmas to all, especially at FHI who have done so much for us all....[B] [B]

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We have just taken out PHI and found the process very quick if you can use the internet and scan documents.  I am not sure the following will work with all companies but it worked with ours.

We downloaded the application forms from the internet (these could have come as e-mail enclosures as well).  Then we filled in the forms using the Mark 1 biro, scanned the completed forms and sent them back via e-mail as PDF enclosures.  This avoided the Christmas mail problem altogether.

Of course if you have to see the GP this will add to the delay but at least you avoid the post.

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We'll enjoy the beers, thanks![:D]

The new rules being given out to CPAMs are incredibly complicated and they are being left to interpret many of the conditions as they see fit.  However, without a pre-exisiting or chronic condition it looks very tough and for the moment at least PHI may be your only option.

However, the situation you discribe could just be the passport you need to the CMU, as you need to prove you cannot get full PHI, due to insurance refusal.  It may well be a very wise approach for those with pre-exisiting conditions, because you will have proof from a medical professional.  So for those in this situation, it is probably well worth while seeking out those companies who insist on a medical - rather than just giving you blanket coverage with all the exceptions buried in the small print.

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