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registered docteur/traitent

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Hi Folks.We are having a slight query with CPAM over our regisred doctor.At which date did this come into force,as we have previously registerd but CPAM do not have any record of this and our reimbursments are obviously low.Thanks for any info,Maude
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They're hopeless over this & it may be that if for any reason (in our case a change of socsec number as a result of our E121 coming in to play) your record changes, then they may not have transferred your medicin traitant details.  Just sloppy admin.

Having just got a pin no to gain access to our records online, you can (as well as ordering a CEAM card online), check out your traitant details, payments etc.  Quite handy.  I think that you can "Contacter nous" as well, so that might be worth trying, rather than attempting a telephone discussion.  You may well have to fill in another form though. 

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