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widow without a carte vital

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I was told when my husband died in May 2007 that 'Camons' had an obligation to me for the rest of my life. Now it seems that RSI has decided I have to apply for an E121. The UK says I can't have that(too young) and are sending a refusal letter to me and in french. Has anyone else been through this?
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If you are under UK state pension age and not in receipt of certain disability benefits (not sure which exactly) then you are not entitled to an E121. Maybe they want the refusal before proceeding, that's how it used to be pre Nov 07 for those not entitled to an E106, you needed a refusal letter first.

These sort of situations I thought were supposed to be covered under the 'accident la vie' provisions but Cooperlola is the expert in that field.

Bonne chance

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The only 'obligation' that Mati Camons has is to offer healthcare insurance to you provided you continue to meet their normal terms and conditions.  It sounds as if your account has been reviewed and the possibility of you benefiting from an E121 has been identified and suggested.  In the absence of further information, it difficult to comment further.


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Yes, this sounds like a genuine accident de vie.  Your next step should be to apply for CMU membership (you may have to pay).  I'm off to hospital shortly but will find you the right references when I've got a bit more time.  But do not despair.

Sorry to hear of your situation.  Bon courage.

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