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Employment & Support Allowance & Carte Vitale

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Dear All

I came to live in france 4 years ago with an E121 which gives me the right to a carte vitale. I am in my 40's but was retired early on grounds of ill health. I am in receipt of an employers pension which means I do not recieve any IB but retain an underlying right to it. I have an ALD which requires treatment costing more than 1000€ a month. I have been called for a medical exam next week as part of the transition to ESA. It seems the main thrust of this change by the UK government is to remove as many people from the statistics as possible and I am very concerned having seen the unbelievable harsh & rigid criteria. I am absolutely at my wits end. Does anyone have any experience of this process? Has anyone lost their right to a carte vitale as a result? Have you then been successfully accepted into the CMU if you have been resident in france for under 5 years. As this is completley unforseen would this count as a life change? I would really appreciate hearing from others who are in a similar situation to me.

Please only helpful responses!!
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The general criteria for a 'life change' allowing access to CMU is defined as:

"......if the applicant can demonstrate that unpredictable events and difficulties beyond his control led him to lose the health coverage previously available to him."

In your case, your CPAM could argue that a periodic medical re-assessment was a condition of getting your E121, therefore the possibility of being re-assessed as fit for work was not unpredictable.

On the other hand, if your medical condition was originally diagnosed as being unlikely to improve, then you could argue that you would not have expected to be re-assessed as fit for work therefore it was an unpredictable event.

If that doesn't work, then you could always argue that you couldn't stop yourself 'getting better' so the improvement in your health has resulted in difficulties beyond your control.....[;-)]


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How accurate is your "four years ago" arrival?  After 5 years you will be treated as a French national would so if you can drag the assessments/arguments etc out for long enough to reach the five you should survive.  Thus, take Sunday's advice and persue the "accident de vie" approach and hope you get to your five years. 
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